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Three Wheels

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 3:54 am
by MindHalfFull
This babe knew what people said. No question he reaches that expected ability at his age. Suddenly, he now has to speak in turn. Thoughts would vanish and speaking would rarely be understood well enough. He watched as others develop a bond with the words of expressions that was the glue holding their momentarily connection of satisfaction. This babe tried when he could, but he needed others to interpret his flawed efforts to bond.

Much like an abuse victim fearing things resembling their experience, we can't expect them to flip a switch and prevent onsets of distress. I can't trust my expressive social contributions starting a snowball of pain rolling downhill becoming an impossible burden to carry while still progressing forward in an already challenging life. It is set, I'll ask myself, "To speak or not to speak".

I'm a wonderfully gifted individual. I'm a Ferrari in so many ways. Yes, I'm talented, gifted, have great potential and a favored personality. I am indeed like a Ferrari having a celebrated existence. However, as life circumstances dictated, I am this Ferrari with 3 wheels. I can feel proud of my engine, my superbly designed features, race inspired balance and head turning impression on others. That's nice and all, but what good being designed to do exactly what is not possible? I'm gonna have to be solitary in appreciation of what could have been, that which could only be shrugged off.

So, I'll live with great potential at the same time of being unable to exercise that potential. It may feel nice when little drips of my talents and skills appear to show themselves. I know I'll return home where the simplest things are complex and the obvious will be deceiving. I have learned this greatness in me can't leave its home for long. There is this greatness, yes, but the only greatness I could accomplish is
despite weakness. Doesn't matter how great I can be, just like top of the line race cars having only 3 wheels.

Re: Three Wheels

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:49 pm
by proclaimlecture
Thank you for the story you shared. I hope you will always live with your passions and develop your inherent potential
doodle baseball

Re: Three Wheels

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:54 am
by miaoklo
In addition to my favorable personality and huge potential, to live a life of glorification is to be truly like a Ferrari.
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