TW: suicidal thoughts

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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TW: suicidal thoughts

Postby C-L » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:20 pm

You know that feeling when you constantly have to fight to keep going? Like you're trying to swim but you're being pulled to the bottom of the ocean? There are a hundred million weights tied to my ankles and I can no longer see the surface. I think I gave up honestly this battle I keep fighting I've beat once and I got it in a controllable manner but now? It's winning and I don't have the strength to fight it anymore. I tried I really tried I promise but it doesn't matter anymore. It's time to let it win, it hurts a lot more to fight than to let it take its toll. At least it'll only hurt for a minute. Depression and me had a weird understanding, I couldn't control it but I could minimize it by controlling little things but I lost control of those little things and depression has swallowed me whole and I'm gonna let it. I'm used to letting go and it's time to let go of this.

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Re: TW: suicidal thoughts

Postby MindOverEmotion » Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:09 pm

Think of that letting go like letting go of a hot pot or pan. Letting go can equally be a good thing as it may be a bad thing. In your case you are aiming toward a valuable method to prevent your pains from hurting you so much. Its a balancing act we need to keep up so we can stay more moderate and less extreme. Keep practicing, keep adapting. :)

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Re: TW: suicidal thoughts

Postby genuinestrad » Mon Apr 17, 2023 3:29 am

Start with things that you loved before or find joy in new things that you have not dared to challenge before. For example, you can try learning photography, try hiking or travel to new lands. New things always bring people excitement and joy during the discovery process.

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Re: TW: suicidal thoughts

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:39 pm

The way to overcome suicidal thoughts is to be in tune to your spirit. The way to do that is by understanding divine reason and also adjust your focus to a spiritual outlook and be more aware of the changes you can make as a person and as a soul.

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Re: TW: suicidal thoughts

Postby Mnaiosa » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:37 pm

Tuning with one's inner self is the key to overcoming suicidal ideation. Learning to see things from a spiritual perspective and increasing your awareness of the inner shifts you are capable of will get you there.
amanda the adventurer

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