Best Advice I Read Today

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Best Advice I Read Today

Postby CitM » Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:20 pm

I saw this in the pediatrician's office when my daughter was being checked out for illness. I've never been so happy to hear that she had the flu and normal bowel sounds in all of my life.

Yeah I've been stressed over here health, or challenges therein. But she's getting better!! And so the poster on the door of the doctor's office was especially good.

If you cannot change something, change the way you think about it

I would add
and don't be afraid to look at a bigger picture ie, outside the box to get a refill on the water or juice.

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Postby 100footpole » Wed Apr 06, 2016 1:31 pm

Haven't heard from Specter for awhile, so I'll take her place.

I love the advice on the doctor's door.

And I think "thinking outside the box" is a great way to look to change something. But, I've been burnt by taking that advice from people who later ask "Why did you do that ... didn't you know this would happen?"

I hate that question. If I knew "this would happen" then obviously I "wouldn't have done that".

So maybe before thinking outside the box you always need to ask "Why is the juice/water in the box?"

I think this is particularly true for those of us with a manic/depressive bent to our neural state. If I'm feeling manic then I am more likely not to acknowledge the reason for the box. If I'm feeling depressed I am probably going to guess that the box is stronger than it really is.

Thanks for the thought ... it got me thinking :)

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Postby defeated » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:41 pm

Those are indeed great quotes Citm, thanks for sharing them.

Also it's nice to see you here too <3 *hugs*

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Re: Best Advice I Read Today

Postby CitM » Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:59 pm

Well 100footpole, I have NO idea why they put juices and waters in boxes as it usually is marketed to little kids with straws that couldn't get through tinfoil let alone into the juice box hole and when enough pressure is applied the following result happens....
Kid squirts juice on self, parent, table and other bystanders, inevitably in the baby's face while at the park, where the bathrooms are more than a football field away from the play area with no running water.

I tell you, whoever came up with this idea, never had a three year old and a baby to handle at the same time in their lives.

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