It Sucks!

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It Sucks!

Postby SoulInDespair » Mon Sep 29, 2008 1:29 pm

I hate my job. I just don't want to do it anymore. Maybe it's because I'm lazy or maybe it's because I don't like the people I work for or with. My co-workers are two-faced backstabbers who would turn on you if they thought it would get you fired and my boss is a anal retentive jerk who finds fault with the most minor thing. Maybe it's both.

I'm swimming in debt but yet here I am sitting here at work wanting to walk out. I'm not even sure if I care if I get fired anymore. I've had two verbal warnings and one written warning so I'm a written warning away from being fired but yet I don't care.

Maybe that's not entirely true. I do care a little but it's only because of all the money I owe and I know I'd go crazy with worry if I didn't have money coming in. Plus, I'd get bored sitting at home everyday. So yes, I'm having another one of those bad days and I'm very conflicted.

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Postby Emotional_77 » Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:09 pm

Well I dont blame you not really caring if you get fired if you dont get along with your coworkers. The first part of a job is how well you and your coworkers get along. I couldn't stay in a job with coworkers like you described but if you need the money then I guess there is nothing you can do about it. Just to be safe though, I would apply to some other places or perhaps quit if you think you are really going to get fired. It looks better on a resume to see that you had quit. I give you the best of luck and lots of hugs.
btw, whats your job?

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Postby SoulInDespair » Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:06 pm

I work in the mail services department of an insurance company. I've been here for going onto five years. Another thing about the people I work with is their lack of sensitivity.

I'm obese and I love to eat. I've had a complete health check and I'm in perfect health. No high blood pressure. No clogged arteries. Stress test was perfect. Normal cholesteral. Normal blood sugar level. So no worries about my health.

So the only problem is my over-eating. I over-eat to try and cover the pain and stress in my life. Our department has a candy bowl that everyone contributes to and eat from. Well, they started to hide the candy bowl from me. Everytime, I'd find it were they hid it, they'd move it again. So I took the hint and stopped eating from it and bought my own candy to eat. Thought that that would stop the snide comments I use to get about my eating. It didn't. Even though I was eating my own food and not anyone elses they still were nasty about it.

I know over-eating is a problem but ridiculing a person isn't going to make them stop. Even as a fat person I would never be so cruel to someone else and do what they've done to me. The only time I would mention the issue to another obese person is if it was affecting their health and then I would try to be as sensitive and delicute as possible. I would certainly try my best not to offend.

I don't think they realize or maybe don't care how much they've hurt me and I really don't feel I want them to know. That's just more ammunition they can use to get to me and gloat over.

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Postby hey-its-ok » Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:56 am

What was the written and verbal warning about? I'm sorry,talking and maybe even tackling these issues may be a bit sensitive for you, but maybe these are the issues you need to address so that your situation can improve...

Can you figure out what is it that you are doing that makes your coworkers target you? Is it JUST the eating? Or is it something else?

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Postby SoulInDespair » Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:19 am

Everyone has been getting warnings from the new boss not just me and it's usually for alot of petty little things. Like forgeting and sending something to the wrong address. Yes, it's important to get mail out to the right person but we're all human and we do make mistakes.

Sometimes not getting my work done at night just like everyone else. So I'm considered unproductive but this was never the issue with the previous boss. My previous boss of over four years left in June. In March I got a promotion, promotional raise and my annual raise. I was praised by my boss and his boss for being a valuable employee. Then when the new boss took over all hell broke loose. It was like he was on a mission to whip everyone into shape and so when he started to write people up it became like a witch hunt. Everyone felt like they were walking on egg shells with him and we could do nothing right in his eyes. Many wanted to move to different departments or quit. Many still wanted to quit simply because another employee was a real bitch to everyone and was ratting us out to the boss.

In one of my talks with the new boss about something I did wrong I asked him how I could go from being an excellent employee with my other boss, get raises and then suddenly become a bad employee. He made it sound at that point he was going to try and get my raise taken away because he didn't feel I deserved it. I think his boss over-ruled him.

I will admit I'm a little slower worker then the other co-workers but we're suppose to help each other if we have time and the other person is busy elsewhere. No one ever helps me so I often get behind. If I question why I don't get help they'll tell me why and even though I correct the problem they still don't help me. I just feel no one likes me here.

My attitude gets me written up too but it's hard to have a positive attitude when you're miserable all the time, you hate your co-workers, hate your job and hate your life and feel your co-workers don't like you. Work seems so much like when I was a kid in school. I was bullied there too for being different, shy and withdrawen. I hate going back to work the next day because it's like a flashback to the torment I suffered in school.

I admit I can be pretty critical and judgemental so I'm sure that doesn't gain me any brownie points. But although, I may have alot of faults so does everyone else here and I could list exactly what they are. Those who have talked about quiting haven't given reasons because of one or two people. It's the department as a whole. It ain't just one thing.

I've thought about quiting and work at home being a medical transcriptionist. I have strong computer and data entrying skills. So all I'd need to do is take a course in medical transcriptionist online. Although, I wonder if the reason for this seeming to be so attractive to me is because I could make an income and isolate myself at the same time.

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Postby Emotional_77 » Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:39 pm

hey-its-ok wrote: I'm sorry,talking and maybe even tackling these issues may be a bit sensitive for you, but maybe these are the issues you need to address so that your situation can improve...

Can you figure out what is it that you are doing that makes your coworkers target you? Is it JUST the eating? Or is it something else?

I agree on this, you need to talk about the issues at hand and find out whats going on, its not right what your co-workers are doing to you about your eating habits. Besides how you live your life is your problem and not theirs. I agree on as long as your healthy do what you want. Not every job is perfect and im sorry about the loss of your other boss, you were doing so well with that one. Maybe this one won't last that long since its been going downhill ever since he came?

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Postby SoulInDespair » Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:01 pm

Actually, our new boss isn't new to the company just new to our department. He's been with the company for alot longer then me but he has been demoted from his manager position four years back for being abusive. Now hes regained it and it doesn't appear he's changed his ways much.

I know I can be a little harsh at times but I do try to be likeable. Also, I can be a little dumb about stuff and forgetful about what I'm suppose to do but it's not on purpose. I think that maybe they think it is and so it pisses them off. I've had snotty notes from one co-worker for being forgetful on how to do something. I reported her to the boss. It's just that sometimes I feel they see me as a freak or weirdo and so I stop trying and withdraw. Just like back in school I feel like an outcast. No one wants any part of me. Maybe they see this as being stuck up or not liking them. I'm not sure. I think sometimes people will attack that which they can't understand.

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Postby hey-its-ok » Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:58 am

Hey SoulInDespair... i have read a few of your posts and don' remember which one where you talked about not making anymore friends... but friends are important... maybe you have to look for the right ones, and be a good friend to them... and working at home can be good, but in your situation, i'm not too sure... it may allow you to further isolate yourself and maybe make you stay at home for weeks on end... that's not healthy... sometimes work forces you to get out of the house everyday, and this is sometimes good... maybe another job? Wishing you all the best!

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