Feeling in-between

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Feeling in-between

Postby hazeleyes » Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:11 pm

Do you ever feel not quite depressed but not quite "undepressed" at the same time? (Not sure if that makes sense-sorry) I'm not sure at this point which is worse-feeling so depressed you can barely function, or not really knowing how you feel. It's like being pulled in opposite directions. Part of me says I'm fine, the other part says I'm not. I have this strong urge that I want to cry, but the feeling is lodged right between my stomach and chest. I feel kinda like I'm floating up and falling down at the same time. Such a frustrating, uncomfortable feeling.

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Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:30 pm
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Postby CrazyKiss » Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:23 pm

Hi there, I know what u mean. You dont how u feel one minuite and then the next. I suppose its normal to feel up and down on a daily basis as u cant complain with that. I know its when u can get really down what starts to effect ur mood and other problems. How u feeling right now?

Theres no real explanation sometimes on how u feel. I know it sounds odd but it could just be that u woke up on the wrong side of bed, that u cant be bothered to do anything or u just want a quiet day. Therefore it may not be that ur feeling depressed. There anything u like doing during the day? Anything?

Can I ask you what time of the day u get mostly depressed? This may give me a clue to why ur feeling depressed. I will know what problems is causing this and ways of dealing with these moments. Do u suffer from any other mental health problem? If so what is it?

I suggest when u next see the doctor that u mention to him that ur not feeling depressed but having days when u feel low and other days u feel ok. They may just say to keep an eye out on ur mood and if your depression gets more frequent then to come and see them again. Thats what the doctor told me when I was feeling the way u were. Its good to keep a diary and write down at the end day ur rating from 1-10, it being 1 meaning u felt really down and 10 u felt great. Also u could have a look on the Internet to see if they have any Apps for tracking ur mood. That can be handy on the go. By the way, do u see a counseller?

If u could try and do that and carry on as normal then u shouldnt have any further problems to why ur mood is up and down. Only, of it does get worse then u know that u need to see the doctor.

I hope that helps u and Im here if u wanna talk.

Take Care x

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