
Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Postby Frame » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:12 am

Wow 4Ever;

That's wonderful.
Thank you.

That's where so much of your pathological behavior comes from, doesn't it? Trying to banish fear; where does all the fear come from? It has to be taught doesn't it?

That inability (or unwillingness) to love each other; that comes from fear too doesn't it? Our ability to love is natural. Our unwillingness is taught, I guess. It all seems too simple.

But it really should be simple, shouldn't it? Regrets of the past, fear of the future; it shouldn't be that hard...

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Postby 4EverMe » Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:25 pm

Yup. Which if my pathological behavioral are you referring to? When you said "your," were you meaning "your" as in people in general?
I guess I didn't get what you were trying to convey in your first paragraph... :-)

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Postby 4EverMe » Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:27 pm

P.S. Sorry about the misspellings. I think my cellphone went a little nuts.

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Postby Frame » Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:53 pm

That's where so much of 'our' pathological behavior comes from, doesn't it [from fear]?
Trying to banish fear; where does all the fear come from?
It has to be taught doesn't it?

That inability (or unwillingness) to love each other [or is it just me?];
that comes from fear too doesn't it?
Our ability to love is natural. I think our unwillingness is taught, I guess. It all seems too simple.

But it really should be simple, shouldn't it? Regrets of the past, fear of the future; it shouldn't be that hard...

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Postby 4EverMe » Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:36 pm

Thank you, Frame, for clearing things up.
Also, life really should be simpler than it is.
I agree with your perceptions, and appreciate your feedback regarding my own :-)

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Postby Elysium » Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:37 pm

dougsan wrote:Elysium, forgive me for saying this, you speak as if you have the answers for all of us. I believe the only answers we have are those to a few of our personal questions.

Hehe, yes I do write in a very absolute fashion, but that’s only because I want to strike directly at the root.

I do only (and I sincerely mean only here) have the ultimate answer to end all questions, and I try to remind you of the fact that you have that very same answer as well. In fact, you are living the answer right now; it’s called life. All of our personal questions have meaning, but only relatively speaking. I cannot answer most of my own relative questions just in the same way that you probably struggle with yours. However, to realize the relative nature of a question is grand. It’s a breakthrough to realize that our true potential isn’t bound to the relative.

Maybe you do not find it particularly relatable to think in terms of relative and absolute, limited and unlimited. That is fine. We can all perceive the same thing from infinite angles and starting points and the thing that we’re looking at will still be exactly the same. If the expression arises from a true place to begin with and is not just an opinion based in logical reasoning, it is that deep place which is worth paying attention to.

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