My thoughts on depression

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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My thoughts on depression

Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:18 am

"Major Depressive Disorder (Depression) is not just a temporary mood, and it's not a sign of personal weakness. Depression is a serious medical condition with a variety of symptoms. Emotional symptoms can include sadness, loss of interest in things you once enjoyed, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, restlessness, and trouble concentrating or making decisions. Physical symptoms can include fatigue, vague aches and pains, headaches, and changes in weight or sleep patterns. For some, depression can include thoughts of death or suicide."

Strange that it isn't mentioned that Depression tears at your heart. It can turn a happy and normal life into total turmoil, destroy a family and keeps your thoughts in a whirlwind of ups and downs. Self doubt meets you in every turn of the way, you see others doubting you, God knows you want to explain, to scream, 'this isn't me', but words don't come. Would others believe you if you could dissect it into a 'normal' language, one they could associate with? Is it one of those things, "you have to live to understand'? We are in a darkness of depression and seeking for that light in the tunnel.

To the millions that suffer with depression, I salute you! Fighting the battle daily, sometimes hourly, the private war that goes on inside of us. We can only hope that in the near future there will be a medication that will control this world of depression, a cure perhaps. A chance to have 'our' lives back and to live as others, without fear and doubt. Until then, we aren't alone. We have each other, sharing the ups and downs, the laughter when we can, the crying when we can't. Depression isn't a friend, but brings us to friends that understand.

A quote of mine, and yes I created it, LOL.

'It is hard losing a friend, but a friend wouldn't let me get lost.'

Thank you for being that friend and not allowing me to get lost!

Just sharing my thoughts as they are.

Warmie 8)

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