How should I tell my parent’s that I’m depressed?

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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How should I tell my parent’s that I’m depressed?

Postby CodeOne » Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:37 pm

I feel like I’ve had depression for about a year now, though I only accepted it about a month ago :( . One of the hardest bits is telling my parents that I feel depressed. They’re really strict, and I feel that if I, tell them, they’re going to deny it, or put it aside, saying that I’m just going through my teenage years

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Re: How should I tell my parent’s that I’m depressed?

Postby SuZQ154 » Sat Sep 29, 2018 1:48 pm

Sorry you are feeling low. Getting honest about our feelings is the first and best step toward recovering! So glad you are posting! We understand. Depression, anxiety, and fear can go hand in hand. Do you believe your fear of telling you parents and your relationship with them may be playing into your feelings of depression? If so, it is important to tell them at some point. You might need help to know when and how.

Have you considered seeing a school or church counselor? My Christian counselor helped me develop strategies to confront and set boundaries with people with whom I had emotionally destructive relationships. She was an unbiased, Godly, practical, and wise woman who helped me to sort out my feelings, cry, vent, and have hope! She also gave me practical guidance of when and where to talk to these people. You might want to consider this.

Hope this helps and please know we understand! Hugs to you!

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Re: How should I tell my parent’s that I’m depressed?

Postby 3rdday » Sat Sep 29, 2018 2:49 pm

If you haven't discussed your depression with your parents then you don't know how they might respond. Often times we think we know and when it happens we are pleasantly surprised. Perhaps they will be helpful and supportive. Regardless it is worth a try. Even if they aren't you aren't responsible for how they respond to you. If you can find a community or church group that can provide you emotional support. Depression doesn't have to interfere with your life. Many people who have depression have full and accomplished lives. Good luck!

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