People Are Stupid

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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People Are Stupid

Postby RustyTavern » Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:46 pm

I have come to learn to hate people.

I used to write bomb-proof software largely on my own in Londinium. That was a great job. I was the best at it. Despite being shy of criticism, I could talk over anyone at any meeting even board level because I was the only tech that knew with certainty how to design any system. Those things happened in life and I floated around vocationally and now I manage a GastroPub in Cornwall. Everyone is so stupid, I have to do everything myself. The people are driven by poverty and a terrible genetic pool and/or education system.

I find that I have to be grateful for my genetic superiority and demonstrate patience to my useless workforce but I am natural technical architect so I have changed by business focus to that of renting a functionally equipped business with Gastropub workflows including menus & kitchen/cooking procedures

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