How I can visually represent my emotional barriers

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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How I can visually represent my emotional barriers

Postby Samstu123 » Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:53 am

I suffered a heart attack back in 2013, being a student this was extremely devastating and mentally I went through many many struggles, I am still struggling with it.

Being in my third year now I am trying to base my project on the emotional barriers that are relative self-destruction

When I get frustrated with my condition, the emotions I am going through at the time I imagine as an object or material to better help me understand what it means. So frustration to me represents a plaster board wall, it looks hard and strong on the foreground, but once you start knocking holes through you soon realise it crumbles around you. Meaning that once I start facing the emotion I can quickly and visually realise what I can do to overcome the barrier?

Anyone else do this? If not I would recommend it, as it helps me visually understand what I can do to work around how I feel on a day to day basis.

I would love to hear what you guys feel about it, what materials do you envisage when you go through an emotion?

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