Our God

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Postby 4EverMe » Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:55 am

That's great to know you're talking to Him, Abbie, and that you're feeling more positive. This is a sign of faith.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:57 am

I know right...
Really I have to be thanking you to be honest... As I am not reglious at all, but talking to god has helped and it does feel a whole lot better knowing that god is watching over me and will heal me whenever I do something positive and good..
What do you think?

So I thank you 4everme; for getting me to pray to god and now I pray to him every single day for his healness.

Positive step forward :D


Postby CrazyLady17 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:42 am

This is the pray 4ever me did for me and everyday I pray to god and I say this exact pray to him;

Dear Heavenly Father,
Abbie and I come before you, and above all else we thank you for your love, and for the blessings you bestow upon us each day. We also thank you for your mercy, kindness and forgiveness...

Abbie has a special need right now, God. Actually, she has a few of them we are asking for your help with. As you know, she is in the hospital, and in fear of losing the second baby of her pregnancy. We ask You Father, if it is in Your will, that her pregnancy is healed of all complications, and that Abbie and her child will be okay. We know that the first child she miscarried is safe and utterly happy with You Lord. If it's Your will, please let this second child come to full term and be born healthy. You, alone God, know ALL things. Unlike us, You know what our future's hold, and therefore what is best for us. We only know the present.So, we ask You for Your assistance, all the while trusting that You, as our Father, know what is best for Abbie now and in her future. So, we ask for your assistance and healing, with the trust that You already know what's best for her.

Holy Father, we also pray for the healing of Abbie's anxiety and depression. Please heal her of all of the pain caused by every painful experience she has endured in her life. We pray for your special protection and ministering angels to surround Abbie all of the days of her life. God, please help Abbie to see that she is not to blame for her friend's suicide, her babie's miscarriage, and for anything else Father that You know Abby unjustly accuses herself for! We pray You loose her from any evil spirit that could be tempting her to constantly blame herself for things that aren't her fault. Please keep negative spirits of all types away from her, and increase Abbie's spiritual discernment between good and evil.

We also pray, God, that your loving peace descend upon her, and that her spirits are lifted. Please embrace her with a love and peace she hasn't known before, removing all negative fears and guilt from her mind, heart and spirit.

We love you, our Heavenly Father. With trust, we leave all in Your hands. Again, thank you for your love. i also thank you God for placing my new friend, Abbie, into my life. Please bless, protect and guide her. And myself, as well!

Both Abbie and I love and thank you, Lord,
In Christ's precious name, we pray.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:51 pm

I would like some forgiveness and for you to heal me and everyone else who is suffering right now.

Thinking about god makes me feel all warm inside and happy as I think of it as god and his angels are looking down on me and protecting me and making sure I am okay, also that the angels are the people I've lost; ie my best friend...
Brings me so much comfort.

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Postby CitM » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:07 am

I ask God, that the sufferings that come upon good people be healed and at least not in vein in their and other's lives. I ask that they receive the gift of understanding in some was as to why, even if it's later on.

I ask that they be shown that their experience can help ease similar burdens that others have.

In Christ's name,

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Postby Aliraza21 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:37 am

Hello RedTeardrops,

Sorry to hear what happened with the sleep over. I know how these things work and its not nice being left out and not being a part of the inner circle. With groups, everybody plays a role, some have more authority over the others (leaders and followers). If one of the stronger characters don't want you there then there isn't much you can do so why be part of a group that treats you like an outcast?

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