Out of Work and Feeling Worthless

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Out of Work and Feeling Worthless

Postby 31defeated » Tue Jul 29, 2014 3:32 pm

Don't know if there is anyone else out there who feels the same as I do, or gets similar treatment to the treatment I have been experiencing all my life. Anyway, I have been applying for work for more than 6 years now, until November 2013 I was employed while making these applications. Anyway none of the recruitment agencies have put me forward for any positions since this time last year, with one of the agencies not having put me forward for any positions during the whole six years, despite me having the relevant qualifications, experience and an excellent reputation for doing good work. Have tried talking to doctors because it is very hurtful to keep being told I am not good enough, especially as I already have chronic depression and chronic low self esteem. Last year I even attempted on half a dozen occasions to commit suicide and cannot take any more of the rejections.

Would appreciate a reply from anyone else who is going through the same feelings.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:48 am

Hey there 31defeated.

Don't ever let anyone in this world EVER make you feel like your not good enough.

There is a song I want you to listen to. Listen to it and look up the lyrics and read them. And I hope with all my heart that it helps you.

It's a song by a man named Travis Tritt and it's called , " I'm Gonna Be Somebody."

You will be everything you wish and dream someday. Just don't ever give up on life or let anybody make you feel like you are less than anyone else !!

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