Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Postby 4EverMe » Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:54 am

"Hello" to you all,
A moment ago, I finished posting about 'suffering,' on someone else's topic page. All of these thoughts going through my mind, (a whole mosaic) of the more typical ways people can suffer, inspired me to get something going.

As I contemplated on suffering, this brought to mind depression. Most of us on this site are either clinically depressed or feeling down about something in particular...or maybe all of the above, and THEN some. One of the ways we can truly lift our spirits, is by doing something nice for someone else. I've always felt that the saying, "It's better to give, than to receive," rings a lot of truth! I guess this Christmas, I will be giving away a ton of presents, of which I will be the joyful recipient. Haha!

On a more serious note, will anyone join me in doing at least one nice thing for someone today? It doesn't have to ALL be for me! ;-)
But, it can be something such as a kind and unexpected gesture, words of encouragement, buying someone a card/writing a letter, calling someone up, making another person laugh, a compliment. (my trash needs taken out, please) heehee. Let's get creative though! There are SO many things we can do for others that don't necessarily fall into the 'norm.'

It would be nice to also receive some feedback on this. Share your unique ideas, etc. Who knows? Something you do for someone may inspire others to do something similar, or could cause a chain of new ideas!
Please feel free to share acts/words of kindness that others have done/said to you before too. Let's have some fun with this. :-)

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Cosmic Connections

Postby Frame » Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:58 pm

In an earlier post, a member struggled with the feeling that these are just words, here on this forum, unconnected to real people, devoid of meaning. Many people diss-agreed, and while many of my posts may approach the point of meaningless (call me the King of Trivia), I think every word here is connected to a living person. That's what stimulates me to respond.

One thing I pledge to do is be more mindful to connect in small ways to other human beings. Getting on the bus, getting off, at the checkout counter, on the phone; taking a moment to acknowledge this person, this interaction in even a small way. To adding just one more small humanizing phrase to your connection can diffuse what could have been the last irritating words they have to negotiate. These drops in the ocean raise the tide of contentment and gratitude. And who knows; it might dissolve that one last thing that makes someone flip.

It is also one of the things I find I do less of as stress mounts (I just Vant to be Alone), but it is an action that's good for both the giver and receiver.
Last edited by Frame on Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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gift from deppresion

Postby xken728 » Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:13 pm

My depression is very deep most of the time ,but you know as bad as it is
It does give us gifts
Kindness and compasion are just a couple of them ,it helps me relate to
other peoples suffering,so a few kind words here and there goes a long
way , when i was more active on the forum .
i would always say to new members ,
If you find yourself alone in the darkness ,call out and someone will always answer you , Many freinds can be made here.
Goodnight everyone xn728.......Ken

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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:56 am

Hi to you all,
Words of compassion,...
by which you planted a seed. Beautiful.
I tried a deed of kindness last night. Hmm. It slipped away on me though.
A woman complained about being "stood up." So, I sorta took her under my wing. Guess my friend and I were pretty much used. IDK if she had REALLY been stood up, or was using this as a ploy to get people to feel sorry for her.
Nevertheless, my friend/neighbor and I met her at our first destination. We wound up going to a biker bar. She didn't seem like the type who could hold herself well at a place like this.
Even if she did use us? I did the correct thing according to my conscience.
She wound up staying put at this place, and I had no control over this.
It's odd, but women/men look at bikers like we're rock stars.
Bombs away...but I tried to do something nice- protective...
I just hope she's okay.

Anyway, it is not too late to do something nice for someone. Understandably, people on this site are asleep/awake at varying hours.
Until Thanksgiving, I'd like to see how far we can all come as individuals, and as a whole...

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Closer Connections

Postby Frame » Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:47 am

Another kindness I think of is a little closer to home. My life, in the scheme of things, isn't the the hardest nor the easiest. An while I am more and more often shrouded in dark thoughts, I still feel a trust to stay in touch the best I can with my parents. They won't be with me for ever and I think that their waning years are more content, the more successful the lives of their children.

Thus, I tend to stay away when I have little positive to say. I try to call or visit with good tidings. And thus, the more I can do to care for my own well being, the better connected, and more contented are my family. The more often I can make choices to improve my feelings of well being, then the greater the well being of my parents, my family, and those around them.

As the holidays grow nearer and the sun becomes more distant, one of the most powerful kindnesses is the one which leaves us feeling more generous, secure, and open minded. That will improve the kindness of all our actions. We can't ignore our own welfare (as easy as that may be) for other peoples happiness.

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Postby xken728 » Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:37 pm

On this journey we make in the darkness we all take different paths .
If you should stumble reach out and someone will catch your fall.
Safe journey everyone ,if you doubt your on the right path ,then stop and
look behind you and see how far you have come .
I must remain silent now .best wishes xn728

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