God I feel nauseous

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God I feel nauseous

Postby Frame » Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:00 am

Like fighting may way through pea soup. I'm at the bottom of a bowl three feet deeper than I am tall. So, there's lots of soup to fight. But what's the point.

It wouldn't make any sense even if it was alphabet soup. It'd just be slightly clearer. There are so many things...so many things...so many things seem worth doing...in a vague sort of...I think their worth doing if I only knew what they were and how to do them, sort of way.

I get nauseous trying to focus my senses on whats in front of me worth doing. And trying to spell the word nauseous. Who comes up with these frigging words?

And I'm scared; I know the world is moving on without me. I'll wake up soon surrounded by strangers, staring at me and asking, "where'd you come from?" I won't be able to tell them. They wouldn't believe me. And they were just being polite in asking any way. They don't really want to know.

No past and no future. And the present is a bit scary too.

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:32 pm

When I saw your title, I thought of my day.... I actually was nauseous. I got sick at "work"..... Well, it's actually work I feel that made me sick. I may end up with an ulcer, if I'm not careful....

How I tried to cope with the feeling was to sit still & not do anything for a moment. I even packed up my stuff, clocked off & went home early.

I forget the quote exactly, but there's a part to it that says "live to fight another day". I walked away momentarily to be able to cope. I'll be back, just as soon as I catch myself in a quick minute.

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Postby 4EverMe » Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:48 pm

Oh Frame,
I'm sorry about your past and wish that your present wasn't causing you so much stress. However, don't go telling yourself you have no future. You're obviously an intelligent man. The future remains to be seen. It could turn out much better and in hindsight you'd be thinkin, "Wow, I made it through that sh**."

Don't know exactly how to help you with the soup...mumbo jumbo! Hahaha! No offense Frame. You made me laugh with your comments on spellin the word nauseous and 'Who comes up with these friggin words.' Thanx. I needed that! You often have some humor in your posts. It's appreciated...

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