I might call the day behind me "bad"

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I might call the day behind me "bad"

Postby zmajce » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:34 pm

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:59 pm

This kind of post needs a little introduction, to help me explain the exact state I'm in. First of all, I must say that english is not my primary language - so I'm sorry if I sound unclear :?

The expirience that I just lived through has something to do with other stuff that happend a while ago. Here it is... My job requires having conversations over the phone once a week with managers from out of country. These conversations are usually pleasent, but it happened a few times that they were... well, at least - unpleasent. My job comes with a lot of stress, and I should be used to it by now - but somehow I'm not. I have a "local" manager as well, and he seems trying his best to keep all the employees under pressure - probably out of believing that we work better that way... And boy, does he go furious when he gets a non-excellent impression from one of the "out of country" managers... His aptitude made me cry (even if I'm not very young and new in this buiseness) on several ocasions. So, these phone calls are somewhat important, and must be included in our daily/weekly reports - and for that reason are driving me crazy.

For all the reasons I've written above, it seemed almost natural for me that I imagine hearing my phone ringing even if it isn't during the whole day when I'm expecting it to ring. At first, I didn't even know that these sounds are only a part of my imagination. When I first started to hear my phone ringing when it isn't, my co-workers noticed it and mada a joke out of it. Then I realized that I shouldn't try picking the phone up if I'm not certain that it's ringing... After some time, I thought of a way to visualize my calls, so I could be certain. I figured that I can't have both sound and visual hallucinations at the same time. And I was right. The false sounds just vanished, and I left them almost forgotten.

The thing that made my day bad is another sound hallucination I had just a little while ago. Sitting in the study room, I was going through some e-mails and in one moment I heard the TV from the living room. Being sure that everyone is sleeping (except for me and my dog) this was a strange thing. I took a glance at my dog, which didn't move at all (and she would, because this sound was so frustrating) and decided to go to the living room to check this out. When I saw the TV off, I had shivers all over my body. Now I have a feeling that I'm going nuts :cry:

So... thank you for reading, whoever you are... I just needed to share this with someone, and it had to be someone I don't know because I'm afraid of the reaction my family and/or friends might have...

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:35 pm

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:53 pm

Welcom zmajce

Glad you found us and posted. Please know this is a caring site and people really do read posts and care.

I hope you feel at home and feel comfortable posting.

Life is difficult to handle at time and it does help to be able to share. Something sharing with someone you have never met helps. We all have issues and it really helps to find an understanding ear. Mo judging, just caring.

(((((((((((((((zmajce))))))))))))))) a gentle and warm hug to you from me. Hope you don't mind. Please continue posting and I am sure others will be reading. The way we do things here.

Love to you from a someone who cares,



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Postby Tigger » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:38 pm

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 3:51 am

hiya zmajce, nice to "meet" you. By the way, I think your English is just FINE!

I've never had hallucinations personally, but I should imagine that would be pretty scary. Is there someone professional you could talk to about it, such as a doctor or someone?

Good to have you as part of this site, we're a friendly bunch!

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:39 pm

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:16 am

(((((zmajce and Tigger))))))))))))))

Zmajce, you have just met one of the best, "Tigger". Don't worry, Tigger never bounces faster than you can keep up with. She is kind that way. Has a very big heart with lots of room inside. Just thought I would let you know.

Again "Welcom zmajce", hope you find yourself comfortable with us.

Love to both of you



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Postby LThomas » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:39 pm

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:25 am

hey zmajce

welcome ... here's nice and safe

xxx Lisa xxx

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Postby Stephen » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:40 pm

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:05 pm

Hi zmajce, nice to meet you.

Your job certainly sounds very stressful. If you've logged back in tonight and are reading this, then I'd like to say that I hope that today's been a lot better for you; and that please remember we're here if you'd like to talk us.


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Postby zmajce » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:41 pm

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:51 am

Thank you all for your kindness and support. I haven't expected to get somebody's attention - I just needed to let it out... and you know what? I felt better as soon as I hit the 'submit' button. Now that I read your comments, I feel even stronger and also determined to do something about this. It is possible that this is all happening to me because of the stress at work, but I know that I must find a way to deal with it before it deals with me...

I'm looking at whole 10 days without job-related stress ahead of me, because I took a little vacation to finish some personal stuff that has been waiting way to long. I set my mind on finishing my PhD thesis this time for real... I was really close to do this a year ago, and then my will simply snapped. All of my friends seem to think that I didn't think this through enough, and that I needed a "doing nothing but relaxing" break instead of this one. Well, I'll let you know when it passes if I feel like I did wrong... The thing is, I strongly believe that doing something "only for me" - even if it involves a lot of hard work, and sitting in front of the computer at home also - will do more for me than just relaxing and waking up with a year full of hard work and stress in front of me with no real difference in my life.

Once again, thank you all...

I almost forgot - to give an answer on a question I read - no, I have no doctor/therapist/whoever to turn to about these hallucinations. I would have one if I searched for him, but frankly - I didn't feel that the time has come for me to go to therapy. I know that the complete western civilisation is standing on the strong feet of personal therapy - expecially for people who have a lot of stress at work - but here where I am, the ones who are going to some kind of therapy are marked as insane... You might be surprised, but I could lose my job, and even my family if I did this - so this could only be a "final step" - if I'm certain that something is really that wrong with me. For now, it feels safer and more real just to leave it. Sadly, that's the way it is.

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Postby Tigger » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:42 pm

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:14 am

Is there anyway to change your job to one you would find less stressful?

Glad writing it down here really helped you. They say a problem shared is a problem halved, and I think that is SO true


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Postby zmajce » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:45 pm

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:45 am

Tiger - I must say that I'm surprised with the amoung of your good will that I see. Even if we don't really know each other, I feel good when I'm reading your posts. You are a treasure for all the confused people who come here desperate and seek a friendly word.

Yes - there is a way to make my job less stressfull, and that is to change the job :)The thing is, I'm working in an area that is young in my country and there is only one company where it exists. This is why it's not easy for me to switch to another job, having experience and skills that can make a decent sum of money only for this one. I'm the main source of income for my family, so changing jobs is not affecting only me; My country is on some kind of a "black list" and it would be very difficult for me to move to another country and get a working permit. So, the main stress is not related exactly to the type of my job, but to the lack of options to change it.
At the other hand - as time goes by, the chances that more companies will come to work in my field of business here (where I live) are getting better... I myself established contacts with companies I worked with, and they are interested to come here - now it's only a meter of country politics, or something like that. I can clearly see the light, but what's bugging me is that I can't know how far it is...

Have you ever been diving? Do you know how the sun and the sky look to someone who is heading for the surface? Well, if you go deep enough, looking through all that water above, you can't really be sure how close are you... Sometimes it's fun, but sometimes you panic - because you have a limited amount of oxygen and you don't know if you'll make it... Can you imagine this? If you can, then you know how I feel. For me, the main thing to do is to gain some strength and reassure myself that better times ARE comming. Usually, I have no problem with this. Usually, I'm keeping myself happy with little things in my life that are not job-related and/or money-related. I think that I snapped because during the passed few months (or maybe a whole year has passed?) I had problems at home also. It is easy to go home to a beautiful, understanding family that expects you with smiles, kisses and hugs - no meter what kind of job you have, or how much are you paid for it. It is very hard to go home not knowing what to expect - is someone drunk (again)? is the whole house in a mess, and waiting for you to clean it? did you forget something you said, and now someone can be mad, drunk, angry, or sad about it? Don't think that leaving didn't cross my mind. It did. But what will happen to my family if I do? How will they survive without me? Isn't this a sin above all sins - to leave behind someone who took care of you when you needed it? Leaving is not an option. I can get married and have a family of my own, but this will not solve all of my present family problems. What will happen to these people when I leave them? I can't even imagine that.

Wow... I don't know where this came from, all this story that has and hasn't much connection to my original problem. I won't delete it, because I'm glad I let it out... but maybe I also confused you Tiger? Maybe I should just stop doing this. I know you'll say I shouldn't, but even this much is enough for me. You know, while writing this down I also have to confront with my problems. That part is not easy at all.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:46 pm

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:36 am


Wow! I am touched with what you wrote. I am so please you are sharing, for sharing will help you see the complete picture and possible help you in finding the answers you are looking for. Wish I could say we could give you answers, but don't see that possible. All I know to do is offer you my support and understanding.

We share here, tears, fears, laughter, life, all the emotions. When one has a responsiblity they are having difficulty with, we are here. Great listeners, giving support and we care very much. In all the confusion know you do have a place to come to, to vent, to talk, to get support. What this site is all about, what our aim is.

Know that with others that DO understand, it helps to get down one road at a time. Hope you consider us as a light in the distance, try to help guide you to the answers you seek.

Will keep good thoughts for you, and please continue posting. Your posting helps me to see I am not alone with problems of life. Make me feel a touch "normal".

Love to you



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Postby Stephen » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:47 pm

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:03 pm

Hi again zmajce,

Wow, you certainly do have a lot of responsibilities.

Sounds like a great idea that you take some time off and relax in any way that you find beneficial (everyone relaxes in different ways, so good luck with completing your PhD thesis).

Think this time "off" will help you a lot - in my humble opinion.

It would be nice to know how you get on, so if you have the time please keep in touch with us.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:48 pm

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:59 pm


Agree with you and will wait to hear reply from zmajce.

Love to you both



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Postby zmajce » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:49 pm

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 4:08 am

Here I am with good news - I feel so much better now. I was away from town for a few days, went with my boyfriend to see his family up north... Everything is so peacefull up there, no stress, no traffic, no arguments, no nothing... Just the sound of wind, which kind of whispers: "relax... relax... relax..."

I'm also really close to finish my PhD thesis, maybe I'll spend a few more days with polishing up pictures and tables and it's done. If I knew that I was so close to the end, I would have done it months ago :)

I would write more, but a lot of (house)work is waiting... Suddenly, I have no problem with that, because I had a good night sleep and feel lots of energy right now :)

After I finish with all my work, I'll open another subject here, but with topic that says how great I feel. Thank you all once again for your support and kindness!


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Postby Stephen » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:49 pm

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:23 am

Hi Zmajce

So good to know that you're doing better now.

Certainly a break can do the world of good, and congratulations for almost finishing your thesis... that must be a weight off your mind.

Nice avatar by the way!

Hope to talk to you soon, and it's good to hear from you, Smile


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:51 pm

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 11:14 pm


Great accomplishment!!. Good to see that there is positive floating in your life. Nice to see a smile going there. Keep up the good work please.

Love to you



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