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Beating the Tired

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 6:19 pm
by cgaze2
Hello! Idk about anyone else, but I've been tired for many, many years. Now, I am going try kitchen sink method for it on myself, just wanted to share.

Water/Water with electrolyte drops or
Pedialyte Organic or other brand (beware of artificial sweeteners)

MSM (said to help with more oxygen for body)
Lugol's Iodine/Bladderwrack (warning for those with thyroid conditions)
Adrenal fatigue fighter (herbal, I like Dr. Christopher's because I think it is formulated well to help blood pressure stays within normal range.)
Energy products (herbal; only if NOT allergic: bee products like propolis, pollen, royal jelly. If you get a good adrenal fatigue product, energy herbs might be included already.)


Meds (let doctor/pharmacist check)

I'm only here because I've gone to the doctor so many times over the years, but no one could figure out what the issue is. Time to save myself! :lol: I'd like to have enough energy to do some walking! If you try anything, research it well 1st/check with doctor or even good naturopath.

Re: Beating the Tired

Posted: Mon May 10, 2021 1:05 am
by Tealeaves
Good for you!
Something you might also try; if you haven't already; is a vitamin count.
Actually, I'm not sure what it's called but; basically, they check what your vitamin levels are and; where they should be. Again, if you haven't already tried.

Good luck!