How do I get diagnosed?

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How do I get diagnosed?

Postby KitR » Sat Jun 13, 2020 4:03 pm

Over the last five years I've slowly come to the realisation that I have anxiexty and depression issues but I'm so scared of being judged or being told I'm putting it on (or some such) that I haven't been able to bring myself to get diagnosed. I've not needed to see a doctor since my early teens so I can't even comprehend how the conversation even starts and I'm equally terrified of being told the sadness I feel isn't depression and being told I'm just pathetic.
I have struggled with self harm, especially since lockdown. My ability to regulate myself has been eroded over the last thirteen weeks (I'm still working, no furlough, and the pressure is on due to reduced staffing) and I've finally lost the fight and started to self harm after a period of around six months of staying cut free.
Having moved two years ago, I finally got round to signing on at the local practice and then covid happened.
How do I start that conversation with a doctor I've never met to try and get help?

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Re: How do I get diagnosed?

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:12 pm

Seek help and never give up. You will find that the help you receive will put you on the right path. Good luck.

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