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Started medication

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:12 pm
by katattack
I've continued therapy, and this is the first time in my life I've started going weekly. I like it a lot. I'm at the beginning of the process of diving into my PTSD. My life feels empty. I've started taking Lexapro again. I tried taking it last year at 10mg dosage, but it was insanely intense. I'm on 5mg now, and I can't exactly feel a whole lot yet. We'll see! Talk to me- anyone on here taken Lexapro? Which medications have worked for you all?

Re: Started medication

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:59 pm
by HauntedMountain
i've never taken lexapro myself. as for what works, nothing really has yet. bupropion seemed promising at first, but it may have been a sort ov placebo effect. i'm supposed to be starting trintellix, but my psychiatrist is really unreliable and after we discussed trintellix he called in more brupopion!

i'm glad therapy is working for you!

Re: Started medication

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:08 pm
by Spleefy
Good job continuing therapy. For therapy to work, the client needs to work it and to give it time to work. The same goes for any medication that you take. Give the medication time to work. How long did the doctor who prescribed the meds say it will kick in? Many drugs take around 4-6 weeks to work.

Bear in mind, medication is only useful as part of an overall treatment plan in symptom management. You’ll still need to work on other areas of your life, such as diet, lifestyle, spiritual, and other areas of human functioning for optimal outcomes.

Good luck.

Re: Started medication

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:32 pm
by Prycejosh1987
katattack wrote:I've continued therapy, and this is the first time in my life I've started going weekly. I like it a lot. I'm at the beginning of the process of diving into my PTSD. My life feels empty. I've started taking Lexapro again. I tried taking it last year at 10mg dosage, but it was insanely intense. I'm on 5mg now, and I can't exactly feel a whole lot yet. We'll see! Talk to me- anyone on here taken Lexapro? Which medications have worked for you all?

Good luck, medication is half to journey, the other half comes from your desires.