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Life is so unfair!'

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:15 am
Hey guys,
Monday we found out my wife of 34 years has DDD or Degenerative Disks Disease in her C 5-6 and C 6-7 vertebral.
Just how bad we won't know until next week when she has a MRI. This might mean surgery we don't know. I am already more or less
half crippled with my several Neuropathy in my lower legs and feet . Not SUPPOSE to drive but I have to. Guess I will have to look into a home Nurse or something. I feel like this is the final blow to us. We have always said if one of us goes then the other one will go also.That is the ONLY! reason that I don't check on out myself. Life is just too dam hard anymore!
Thanks all for your support..

Re: Life is so unfair!'

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:43 am
by HoldingOn
Life throws us some cruel blows doesn't it. I guess it's our purpose to deal with these in our own way, but what happens when it all gets too much?
I'm sorry to hear about yours & your wife's condition, but I am glad you have each other for support and together for many years, wow, I always love to hear this.
Please keep us updated with the MRI results & someones always here if you need to chat !

Re: Life is so unfair!'

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:32 pm
by Jtw
I'm a teacher, normally high-school but this year i picked up some lower grade classes. I taught them to chant back at me. When one of them grumbles about an assignment or grade, I can say loudly, "What do we say about life?" They will all say it back to me loudly, "Life's not fair!"
It's an important lesson to learn and I want to get them started on it.