Depression/self doubt

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Depression/self doubt

Postby Mizeres22 » Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:25 am

I've been skateboarding since I was 11 years old (18 now) and a few years ago I decided this is what I want to do with my life. Right now I am living with my dad (parents are divorced) and he believes that I can become a professional skateboarder. last year he said he wanted to support me 100% and pay for me so I don't have to get a job, so I can skate every day and progress. I am very thankful that he is doing this for me, but about a few months ago, I feel like I have been getting worse at skateboarding and all of my friends have been progressing. And I know that skateboarding is 80% mental and 20% physical. But the past few months I have been getting really really bummed and depressed because I know that if I don't become a professional skateboarder I won't only let myself down, I feel like I will let my dad down; because he is supporting me all the way. He even said he will pay for me to live in LA!!! (Best place for skateboarding) I have literally cried at times because this is what I really want to do in my life and if I fail I will waste a lot of my life. I honestly don't know what to do.... And I'm sorry for explaining this badly.

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Postby specter » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:20 pm

Have you shared this with your father? I don't know if he's a nurturing person, but I can speak from my experience that, with feelings of depression, the one thing I want very much is to be nurtured. It might be that you feel too much pressure right now and you might feel hopeless. This sometimes contributes to feelings of depression. I can't say I know precisely why you feel the way that you feel, but I wonder if you could feel better if someone supports you emotionally when you feel this way? Emotional support is so very important. Most people probably fail to realize just how important.

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