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Change of Seasons

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:55 am
by CitM
Depending on where you live, light levels can really do a number for those who suffer from depression. In the northern latitudes it PAYS to invest in a blue spectrum lamp. Yes they are expensive. However they are much cheaper than losing your job because you can't get there, upping your dosage of medicines, more frequent visits to the doctor or therapist, and setting yourself up for influenza. It is very much worth the cost so please invest in it. Your house plants will also love you for it. :)

For the mods, no I do not sell nor work for a company that sells any of these lamps or its components. I find this product really helps me and want to share what I found.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:29 am
by 100footpole

Love your attitude!

You've given two concrete suggestions, that both sound like they would help.

Not promising ... but I've put go through the "Living with Depression" thread on my list of things to do. Maybe I'll cut and paste to create a "hints from Hell-o-weese" post.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 10:20 pm
by Doogie
It's actually true.

The most ironic is when people go on their tablets, etc before bed to unwind. The light from the devices actually tricks our brain into thinking that it's daylight and supresses melatonin...which causes people to not sleep well which causes a whole other set of problems.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:33 am
by Maria1000
Taking vitamin D also helps. It the winter you do not get vitamin D from sunlight. Low D counts can make you feel tried.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:06 am
by NickStokes
Thx for posting!