It Just Sucks

Everyday life. How was your day?

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It Just Sucks

Postby riley » Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:43 pm

I feel like there's a dark cloud over my head all the time, and what's worse is I feel guilty for feeling sad and bad. I'm my own enemy. It takes so much effort just to take care of myself and do day to day things that are necessary for a healthy life.

I've never felt so lonely in my entire life. I just moved away from home, and thought it'd be great to be away from my parents, but I find myself wishing I was a kid again and was blissfully unaware of how hard things are on your own. My depression started when I was ten, it made me grow up really fast.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:15 am

Hey riley!

I can identify with the loneliness you feel with moving away from home.... I really went through that. It was rough. Somehow I managed to make it through college, but grad school was outrageously rough and I returned home. (I may just go online in the end.)

You can make it!

If you would like to talk further, well we can PM or something if you would like.

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