Tips for Solving/Preventing Disorganization? + Cleaning

Everyday life. How was your day?

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:51 am

I've been a little better today than I have been for a while.....

& so.... I washed up some dishes yesterday.... Today, I changed the sheet from off the bed.... Let's see....

I was able to pick up some of my storage bins & put them back in the closet... wiped off the storage bins, wiped off the top of the closet + the cubbies....

I have a feeling I might be able to finish this cleaning I set out on from since heaven knows when this time... I have a good feeling about it this trip. I mean, what I did took less than an hour & I have a good bit up off of my room floor already.

Amazingly, I don't feel tired.... Also, I don't feel as weak as when I 1st started cleaning.... I know I would lift a few things & my whole body would be shot..... (& I haven't exercised in some time....)

I'm glad I don't feel too worn out yet because it's only 8:45am.... It's too dang early in the morning to be tired! (I did wake up at about 4am though, tried to go back to sleep, but of course it wasn't good sleep.... ) :lol: It's the same old, same old.... & my eyes are really starting to tell on me! I might soon need some kind of eye serum!!! :shock: ~rofl~

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Postby xn728 » Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:21 pm

HEY YOU ....WOO WOO ,,ah well onika at least you have got a few things done ,it helps i think if you can do just a few things here and there ,,you must take it easy though ,,dont you go overdoing things ,,take care of that wonderful heart ,, ,just a little, is better than nothing, take it steady,,
hugs (((((onika))))),,,,lots of love ken xxx

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hyup onika

Postby xn728 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:42 am

just saying hello onika ,,you always go quiet and then i start to worry wart as you say ,,thought id let you know im thinking of you hugs (((((onika))))),,love ken xxx

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Postby xn728 » Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:29 pm

Your silence once more is cause for concern ,,i hope and trust your safe my dear freind ,,thinking of you at this time ,,hugs (((((onika))))))
love ken and fran xxxx

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:41 am

Thank you for your concern. :-) Although it's late, I still wanted to express that. Now, it's my turn.

I did manage to get some cleaning done. Maybe it's the most in a while. This is official hurricane season cleaning. It was supposed to be spring cleaning, but Spring came & went.

In a nutshell, it was:

my room floor + the windows (pulled out the screen, 2 pairs w/ 5 panes each)
hallway + bathroom floor (Other things were done recently.)
mopped a spot in the living room (water damage)
removed the rug (which got wet)
front porch + windows (2 pairs again)
back porch + windows (1.5 pair)

I'm still not done with my room entirely.... There is a spot that I missed where the dresser is. It would be good to finish, but my leg is STILL really killing me after I took a rest yesterday. I may put on some ointment or something.

I thought my childhood allergies were gone, but something I did/ate/whatever day b4 yesterday triggered me & I started to itch almost all over.... Benadryl to the rescue.... (which reminds me that my next order of soap will be oatmeal soap....)

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:34 am

((((((((((((((( crystal ))))))))))))))))

My home next please?? :)

Hope your leg isn't bothering as much today.


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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:33 am

: ) ~lol~ Warmie, of course... !! I always think we should help out each other. Things might actually go quicker that way!

It has been raining a lot lately.... I haven't done as much as I would've liked. I was pretty lazy unfortunately, but I was a bit down..... :cry:

I did the tub and the wall.... and some dishes.... I brought in an aloe plant into my room. : ) (I don't think it will die on me....)

It's time to do maintenance cleaning for what I've already thoroughly cleaned... I don't really wanna.... :lol:

Today, I did go shopping, though! I haven't been in the store in ages... It wasn't too bad this morning. This is relevant to cleaning because..... ~drum roll~ I think I will try to mix my own cleaning solution. (It shouldn't be too hard....)

I didn't get any baking soda..... but I did get some vinegar and lime juice + I have some antibacterial/etc essential oils I can also add. Wish me luck!

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:56 am

((((((((((( crystalgaze )))))))))))))))

First with your kindness and love I am sure your plant will thrive and grow like crazy.

Second, careful on mixture your own cleaning solution.

Hope the shopping went well with you, that is something that bothers me at times, but do it I must.

Bet your home is spotless :wink:

Think Mother Nature is stuck for all we seem to get is rain, rain and more rain, and on the breaks, super hot! Is there a pill we can give Mother Nature to get her back on track?

My house, a nightmare. I am one for 'things in there place', clean home, keeping things 'presentable'. Right now, there is a path through my home. Work on outside of house has turned my home into a storage area of tools, siding, materials. LOL I threatened the ones doing the work, my bedroom is "OFF LIMITS", I have to have a space for me. Will be worth it, when done, and getting closer. So picture me, one hand over mouth and other cleaning.

Have a great day....good luck with all you want to get done. Talk soon.


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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:15 pm

I forgot to add that I finally made the jump and got some less toxic laundry detergent.... When I get it.... I'll try it.... and pray that I like it. :lol:

After breaking out with the itchies after the last time I cleaned, I am just going to take a precaution...

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:42 pm

Good plan...

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Postby Obayan » Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:20 pm

I thought i was the only one who did this! Normally, my house is spotless. So much so I sometimes think I may be a bit ocd about it. But then i get in these phases where I don't do anything. I won't even take out trash until there are gnats in the house (swats at a gnat). I don't know why i do this way. I hate it. And i don't know how to change it.

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Postby Tantalus » Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:59 pm

I've let me house get into a complete mess this last week. I haven't done the dishes in ages, the same washing has been drying in front of the heater for a week, haven't done any clothes washing in that time either. Jeez I need some motivation to get up and do it all but it's only me who lives here so I really don't care! lol

Tanta xx

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Postby Obayan » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:15 pm

Sanitized grandson's toys (all of them), did 3 loads laundry, steam cleaned all my carpets, cleaned 3 loads of dishes, took out 6 bags of trash, scrubbed the floors and walls, took a broom and swept the ceiling where dust was accumulating in the boards on the vaulted ceiling, cut new flowers and filled all the vases from my garden, reattached the linolium edges in my bathroom, hung a new hand painted tiger stalking in a jungle mural in living room, put away boxes back into storage, changed litterbox, put up a bed in guest bedroom for dad to sleep on during his visit, put out all clean linnens and towels for said visit, scrubbed toilets and tubs, and fed the cats.

that was today.

you should have seen yesterday.....

so glad my dad only visits once every few YEARS!

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:53 pm

Going to take an Army to get my house clean. Why is it the work is on the outside of my home, the mess is inside????

Losing what sanity I had!!!


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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:19 am

Okay..... I have some good news to report in this department.....

Over the last few days:

The three rooms on the side of the house are officially clean.... Now, how long it will stay that way, I don't know....

Room 3: Floor + Windows + Moved desks & other furniture in there....

Room 2 (Bathroom): Floor + 3 pieces... finally managed to organize underneath the sink in the cabinet.... 5 Qt storage bins to the rescue to hold soap + other toiletries.... The cabinet can hold SEVEN 5 Quart bins.... I may still go back to the store for the last bin....

Room 1 (My room): Floor

Kitchen: Stove (That took nearly the whole day!! It wasn't that badly stained, but it's just that it got a thorough cleaning. The oven itself was the worst part because I went hunting for stains... Seriously and I had to use a flashlight to see..... :shock: )

Vacuumed + Reorganized 1 Cabinet (decently sized & has 2 sections)

Cleared one part of the counter (for water bottles)

The sad part... is that it doesn't look like I've done much at all..... :lol: It's sheer insanity.....

I was amazed how things just took SO long.... Like the windows took FOUR hours!!! :roll: 5 panes per window, then cleaning the grooves on each....

Even my room took around that long too this morning.... I removed the bed to make cleaning the floor less of a hassle and then I had a few things on the floor.... Not much.... and that took FOUR hours.... :lol: & I was working at a moderate pace!!!

Well.... I will try to continue on....

In room 3, I'm not even entirely done.... The desk and drawer are overly cluttered, and the closet in my room is calling my name.... Luckily, I don't have to take much out of the closet. (Phew!!)

Thank goodness for small favors....

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