Looking for any other to talk (over 25 old)

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Looking for any other to talk (over 25 old)

Postby diego-man » Sat Feb 02, 2019 12:54 pm

Hi, I just dont have any other to talk, since a while, a long while, I joined to every depression forum or thing i found online, i drop messages, but its useless, I just check the many depression sites i joined and i havent had any reply in like a week or more, joined to every facebook depression group are so useless, the people there... If any other joined here looking to talk with another send me a message.

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Re: Looking for any other to talk (over 25 old)

Postby Karma » Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:12 pm

I’m in the same boat, I only have one friend to talk to but I feel like they are just sick and tired of hearing it.

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Re: Looking for any other to talk (over 25 old)

Postby Sprinkles4 » Fri Feb 22, 2019 9:04 pm

Well, I actually am in the same boat. My mental illnesses and anxiety make it hard for me to meet people and make friends. I am also so prone to isolating, so that does not help either!

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Re: Looking for any other to talk (over 25 old)

Postby Catamountgurl » Fri Mar 01, 2019 12:17 am

I've also come here to find someone to talk to. I'm finally admitting to my depression. I've always said that my health conditions, and my anxiety were my main problems and that the depression was just secondary and that I have mild depression; that's not true anymore. all 3 are equally debilitating. I can't afford therapy and my sisters, that understand depression, can't take me on because they are dealing with their own issues right now and i can't go into detail with them. If i talk to my mom she doesn't understand and ends up being passive aggressive and tries to fix everything but the actual problem. My husband doesn't understand either. I don't think he actually listens to me when i talk anyway. I am on anti-depressants and have been for 20 years because i have fibromyalgia. and we upped the dose in college when i developed panic disorder. I am unemployed and i hurt. I physically hurt. my skin hurts. I need someone to talk to that will understand how i feel. I need someone or multiple someones that I can lean on and in return they can lean on me. I need a support system that I don't have in place right now.

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Re: Looking for any other to talk (over 25 old)

Postby Jtw » Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:27 pm

Same here. I moved myself to a 3rd world country full of people with the IQ of a potato. Nobody stays very long so it's become a very lonely place. I hang out with a few people, mostly a HIV positive drug-addict who is living off his ladyboy ex-girlfriend who makes her money scamming old men. The people I work with are an ex-gangster on the run, a recovering coke-addict music producer, an ex prostitute and a woman with some kind of schizophrenic disorder.
It's almost impossible to make friends here!
I've had depression all my life, in London it was getting really bad but there's no help!

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