Some Simple Steps To Fight With Depression

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Some Simple Steps To Fight With Depression

Postby leenabrit » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:02 am

These are some simple way to fight with depression..

1. Smile. Smile. Smile. Observe how you cannot be depressed and smile at the same time.

2. Wake up in the morning, look into the mirror and say loudly – this is going to be a great day. I am happy and I will be happy throughout the day.

3.Make a list with all the crazy stuff you want to do. Do it.

4.Get a pet and start talking about all your woes to this pet, who will be the greatest listener in the world.

5.Call a friend and pour your heart out. Don’t worry if the friend is bored out of his head with your whining; what are friends there for, if not listening to your woes once in a while at about 2 AM in the morning?

6.Dance with wild abandon. Go to the nearest (best) discotheque, night club, fun place and dance. Dancing is an excellent depression repellent.

7.Start walking – as an exercise. Find a place where you get enough eye candy “whatever your poison is” and you will find walking to be immensely therapeutic.

8.Treat yourself to something that you have been putting off for long.

9.Take the first flight/ bus/ train out and explore a new place for a week.

10. When you wake up, first thing in the morning look into your own eyes (in the mirror) and do not stop until you listed top 20 blessings that you have been taking for granted

11. Learn and practice meditation. If you cannot fight depression – at least you will get philosophical about it and attract appreciation.

Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:08 am

Postby ItsCorey » Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:27 am

Thank you for sharing this.

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