Painfull body

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Painfull body

Postby karolanne » Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:42 am


My entire body is painfull today. My doc begins to think I have fibromyalgia. I have issues with my bones and joints and we still have not figured out what's the problem. I'm on a waiting list to see a specialist. But then, there is this extrem tiredness and pain in my entire body that comes each 5-6 weeks and last about 2 weeks.

So, depression, mental illness and physical illness. It seems I got the jackpot! lol But hey, things can be way more worse. So, I don't complain and I do my best with my condition.

I wish I can log into the chatroom when I'm at work...

Take care all.

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Postby Frame » Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:25 am

Sending positive thoughts your way.

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Postby karolanne » Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:39 am


I have some work to do at work and I just don't feel for it. I sit in front of my computer and do nothing much. A bit of this a bit of that, and that's it.

I feel like I want to yell that I'm not feeling well. No one at work know about my health situation. I don't know why, some days like today, I feel to yell "Go to hell everyone" then leave the office, go back home, in the bed with my dogs and forget about everything, just lay in the bed, crying and forgetting about all responsabilities, everything that burden me. Oh, that will feel so damn good.

But you know what? I'm glad to have my work and I'm glad to be abble to work. I know for some people, it worse. It was once worse for me and I'm aware that it can come back. Despite everything, I'm glad for a lot of things.

Despite everything, I was abble to do some chores at home. My appartement haven't been that clean in years. I still have some chores to do, but what I've done yet makes me feel better.


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Postby Frame » Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:39 pm

I don't know, but I sense that Fibro- is as much psychological as physical in that it's difficult get people to understand. I find myself mistrusting people I know who have chronic yet inconsistent ailments. They always are accompanied by non-symptomatic stresses and depression. In many cases I start to to make judgements about when the ailment is manifest and when it's worry over the ailment that's causing stress. I think it's the scientist in me that wants to tease the puzzle apart but it's rarely productive. When it hurts it hurts; people want to call the latter psychosomatic, but what does it matter really. It still hurts. Knowing it will be back (just like depression) is part of the pain.

Being glad for what we have (just like depression) is part of the pleasure.

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Postby karolanne » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:02 pm

Hey Frame :)

I have depression and mental illness since I'm a child and I'm 40 now. I lived many exhausted episods and even found out that I can do fever when I really don't want to do something lol

But this time, it's different. We thought (me, my doctor and my psychiatrist) that it's another psychological reaction. But over the time, we made some blood tests and there really is something wrong in my blood when I'm in that state of exhaustion and painfull body. It's the same about my bones and joints, they can see it in the blood samples. What's wrong in my blood shows that this time, it isn't psychological. I couldn't know to higher that stuff or lower this other stuff in my blood to make the results fit with my symptoms. Do you follow me? Sorry for my bad English.

Over the years, I learned to deal with my situation. I still have a long road in front of me. But even if I wake up every morning with suicidal thoughs, even if I don't go very well, I can say I've never been that happy. Can you believe that? You can imagine how hard was my life. lol

I know I'll never be ok because I come from too far way. I only hope that when the day to die will come (of being old I hope), I'll be in peace with myself.

Take care.

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Postby Frame » Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:45 pm

I hope that my last post didn't read trying to minimize your pain. It seemed a bit confusing as I wrote it and then when I read it. But I meant that health issues which are difficult to diagnose or intermittent are, in a holistic way, more painful because of the pain of being misunderstood. I myself, even with depression, am guilty of sometimes not giving those around me the benefit of the doubt.

Dieing without pain is a contradiction in terms. Dieing in peace is the best we can hope for, perhaps all we really need.

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Postby karolanne » Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:31 am

Hello Frame,

If you think your message can be confusing and if you add that my English is not very good, there are good chances that I understand your message wrongly :D LOL

What I understood from your message is that sometimes, physical symptoms are psychological. And when someone suffer from depression or mental illness, this person should make sure that her physical symptoms aren't psychological first. And I agree with that. It's been years now that I analysis my physical symptoms, keep a journal of it and talk with my doctor and psychiatrist about it.

This morning, I don't really feel to talk. I noticed that I took weight again despite that I ate healthy the last few days. So, I'm kinda sad, demotivated... I just wanted to reply to your last post to not let you in doubt.

Take care my friend. :wink:

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Postby Frame » Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:34 am

It's OK karolanne;

No need to respond. Just thought I'd mention, all other things aside, our bodies naturally slow down and begin to gain weight as the season chills. So be gentle with yourself.

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Postby karolanne » Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:16 pm

The truth is I have an eating disorder. I binge ate a lot in the last 3 weeks, this is my way to cope with stress. That's the reason of all the weight I took back. It's really hard for me to not binge eat. It was pretty hard last night...

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Postby SMcGregor » Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:47 am

When a person goes to a mental health center and asks for help with depression, the first priority should be a detailed assessment of the person’s lifestyle, habits, relationships, history, etc., to determine the source of the depressive feelings.

In order to feel good, the following seven factors must be present in our lives:
- good nutrition
- fresh air
- sunshine
- physical activity
- purposeful activity
- good relationships
- adequate and regular sleep

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