Introspective Day.

Everyday life. How was your day?

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Introspective Day.

Postby PeaceLove » Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:19 am

Today was pretty thought provoking and I had some insight on things I was doing that are not productive at getting over my issues. Also I did apply for a job and I am hoping that will turn into something.

Somethings that crossed my mind today

Nobody is going to just walk in my house wave a magic wand, and make all my issues disappear- I am going to have to actually roll out of my bed in the morning and do something in order for a change to happen. ( shocker I know :P ) I think a lot of time I assume life will get better and when it doesn't I get unmotivated leading me to sink further into depressed thoughts. So each day I am going to try my best to do something ( no matter how big or small ) that puts me a step forward in bettering myself. Like today with applying for a job I took my life in my own hands.

I need to set goals so I have a general direction to lean towards- 90% of the time I don't know what I will be doing tomorrow let alone months or even years down the road. Its like giving me a compass with no needle and telling myself to get out of the forest. So even if I fail the goals or they lead to other goals at least there is some direction in my life to take reference to. I wrote down 2 goals for tomorrow as short term and 1 for a couple months out.

1. Walk down to the Lake by my house to enjoy some fresh air.
2. Apply for one more Job.
3. Start Training to run Half Marathons again and then build up to run a full marathon this September.

Try to show caring for others instead of hoping they know- I am very guilty when it comes to hiding all my emotions with others because of shyness/Fear of Judgement/or lack of acceptance. I think I come across as being distant, uncaring, or maybe even stuck up when I fact I care very much about others feelings just don't know how to express it without being self conscious.

Stop fighting constantly with myself. All this does is bring me down and stop me from breaking free. I am stuck with myself for the rest of my life so I mine as well get along with me. ( that sounds crazy :P ) I need to find positive things to say to myself and praise myself for accomplishments and good things instead of beating myself up over stuff the happened sometimes years ago.

If I can try and work on these things slowly until they are habit I might be surprised at life style being one that I like.

Anyways that is my day of spending way too much time thinking! Hope your day brought along so fun for you :D



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Postby karolanne » Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:26 am


That's a lot of good thoughs. Let me tell you you are on the right way. It's sure you have to active yourself to change your situation because nobody will do it for you, even if they want, they can't.

Do you eat healthy? If not, that can be a good goal. To eat healthy always help the way you feel.

Do you have a good personal hygiene? If not, it can be another good goal.

I hope you'll continue on that way.

Take care


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Postby hollyann » Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:42 am


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Postby nenkohai » Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:03 am

((((( PeaceLove )))))

I hope you know what kind of power you just spoke.


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Postby PeaceLove » Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:35 pm

(((((( All You )))))) Yes Karolanne I have always been really health oriented when it comes to my physical self just not my mental health. The bad thing is maintaining consistent energy levels with bipolar is not a strong point of mine. What I have full ambition and drive for one day can change over night. I don't expect everyday to be wonderful but I will at least aim to learn something positive no matter what.



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