
Members' personal profiles.

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Postby CyCoLoner » Thu Mar 20, 2008 9:13 am

Hey everyone!
Who am I?
I Am CyCoLoner, 19 years old. I used to be dpressive from the age of 17 on, caused by things going on in school. I'll tell you about what exactly happened there in another topic, and embed a link to it right here, so you may understand it easier.
/e: There it is.
A main problem that caused problems is a personality disorder, that makes me unable to trust most people, and that somehow killed my emotions. If you're not able to cry, it's hard to stand the trouble. If you're unable to ask for help, you stand alone.
Depression made me think about suicide, and there were several days when I was about to end it all, but I always decided to live on. Why? I developed something like a personal motto concerning this, that makes me go on:
"If you lost everything, you can't lose more, but win everything. If you are really fu**ed by your life, it can't get worse, but better. And if you are absolutely left alone, you reached the point of total freedom."
Not quite sure if this helps other people - but somehow it saved me.
So, that's all about me, at least concerning my main problems. Anything left to say? Not sure. If you want to know more, feel free to ask!

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:34 am

(((((((((((( CyCoLoner ))))))))))))))))))

Welcome to the site.

Warmie 8)

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