Looking For Like-Minded Friends

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Looking For Like-Minded Friends

Postby minstrelboy » Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:50 pm

I've been working at self-improvement over the last few years in an attempt to overcome my depression. I feel for the most part happier than I have in a long time, all though 'happy' may not be the right word to describe my current state of mind. Maybe content with my situation would be a better choice of words.

My situation is this; I am married to and in love with my wife, who is my best friend. Beyond that, I have very little contact with other people that aren't family. It's not really something I lose a lot of sleep at night over. Most people have too many negative qualities that bring me down, and by pushing myself away from them, I feel I have at least partially risen above my depression.

I am currently unemployed, but am looking for work. I recently lost my job in Iraq as a civilian contractor this September when the company I worked for eliminated our positions due to the withdrawal of troops. I spent six years in the Army as a diesel mechanic, and had done a one year tour in Iraq as a contractor previously. When I returned to the US in 2005, I enrolled in school for computer drafting. I spent 2 years on the job doing this, but I hated sitting at a desk all day. Plus, I needed to make more money, so I applied to several contractor jobs in Iraq and got hired on last year. Now I'm looking at possibly going to Afghanistan because there aren't any other positions that pay enough here.

In the meantime, I have unemployment, and my wife just got hired full-time where she works. The hardship of being away from each other is difficult, and I don't look forward to doing it again. My wife is also struggling with her own depression/bi-polar issues, and I spend a lot of time trying to make her situation better. So much that I often don't even think about my own problems anymore, which I feel is good. When I'm being productive, I don't sit around dwelling on the things that could pull me back into the pit of desperation that I feel is far behind me. Not that I don't fall under that spell from time to time - but it is rare anymore.

Anyway, in the free time that I have, I am currently working on writing a book. It's heavily influenced by H.P. Lovecraft, and intentionally falls into his 'Mythos'. But it also is inspired by Mike Mignola's 'Hellboy' comic and 'The X-Files' tv series. My plan for it is to be a serialized story, and it starts in 1938 before the outbreak of WWII. A group of paranormal soldiers and scientists are brought together to gather intelligence regarding the Nazi's archaeological investigations across the globe. There is a lot of fantastic events that happened during this period in history, a lot of which has been obscured by the passing of time. A lot of 'truth is stranger than fiction' that makes for what I believe to be very suitable for quasi-historical sci-fi stories.

I'd like to contact other people who have interests similar to this, especially other amateur writers, but more just to find some friends that are into the same things that I am. I like a lot of different styles of music; goth, industrial, punk, motown, country, indie, britpop, new wave, oldies, etc. My wife and I have 5 cats, and I'd love to have more but they're a huge responsibility, and it wouldn't be healthy for them to share our moderate apartment with more than the 5 we already have. I am interested in finding information on how to live off the grid, in a self-sustaining commune - my wife and I would love to do this, once our debts are paid off.

If I sound like someone you might be interested in talking to, feel free to comment or PM. Thanks for reading.

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Postby Obayan » Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:18 am

Hi. I also enjoy writing. I write childrens stories. I like to take something they are afraid of and turn it into a story that aleviates that fear. Good luck with your book project. :)

Diann Bernardo
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Re: Looking For Like-Minded Friends

Postby Diann Bernardo » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:18 am

I love the X-files and cats. You sound like you are very supportive of your wife but please don't ignore your own mental health. Writ that book!
[email protected]

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Re: Looking For Like-Minded Friends

Postby Jtw » Tue Mar 19, 2019 1:14 am

I'm a writer too and I'm setting up a publisher. I've got a few motorcycle-touring books published, first should come out in a few months. But my passion is fiction, sci-fi in particular. With the terrible state of the industry, myself a few others are setting up a small 'house' and see if we can do a better job.
Good luck with the stuff. Afghanistan sounds interesting. I'm currently in Cambodia, which is where my bike ran out of petrol.

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