"Lo Everyone

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"Lo Everyone

Postby Starshine269 » Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:12 am

Where do I start? Hhhmmm....name here is Starshine269 a name that has been with me for many many years, like over 30. Iam an official senior this year which is depressing in itself.
I have rats as pets and right now they are the only happiness in my miserable life.
Suicide? Yep been there tried that and it is a constant pain in my memory. Why? Found out the hubby had been 'cheating' on me for 3 years back in 2000. Same year I lost my job (avery well paying one), lost my beautiful coastal home as well. So I tried the easy way out and found that it was not so easy nor the right answer to my problems.
Life has gone pretty well for me and my forgiven hubby(to err is human to forgive is divine). Up until 2 months ago ....now the darkness and trouble has once again returned the similarities are terrifying!
We have lost our new house again, my husband lost his job due to a drug test, we are in debt up to our eyeballs and I can see no way out. I keep having reacurring dreams about living under an overpass.
Thank God I have my minimum wage job so we will be able to pay our rent. But soon all the little extras will be gone maybe even the internet.
Now I'm really depressed! Gonna go play with my rats. They are excellent listners! :cry:

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:39 am

((((((((((((((((((((((( Starshine )))))))))))))))))

How are you doing? Remember talking with you (posting). Hope all is well and life is treating you with kindness.

Hope to post soon.

Warmie 8)

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