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Hi. I'm New.

Postby Bonnie » Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:14 pm

Well I haven't really mastered the whole talking about me thing yet. I hate talking about myself. I guess I'll just tell you the easy stuff for now...sorry. I am almost 22. My birthday is in January. I went to Christian School up until Highschool when I went to the Performing Arts Academy on the Lakehurst Naval Base. After I graduated in 2006, I went to Cosmetology school where I majored in Manicuring. I graduated, took the state board test, passed the practical and failed the written by 2 points and just never retook it because I didn't like it anyway. So after wasting thousands of my parents money I took about 2 more years off of school and just worked. I missed learning so I went to a community college and am 1 semester away from getting my Associates in Liberal Arts....that is if I pass Bio this semester....anyway lets not get on that subject. This semester I took my first sign language class. I really enjoyed it. I'm thinking about going into the interpreter program. My teacher thinks I should. I'm taking things slow and trying really hard not to get too excited about it if it should fail....and so basically thats my life in a nutshell....the outline anway...I;m going to go check out the rest of the site now...

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Postby xn728 » Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:11 am

hey bonnie ,you wont fail in anything im sure ,i just wanted to say enjoy looking around the forum ,theres a chat room here to ,its pretty good ,
the forums are interesting you can read our storys and get to know people ,nice to have you here bye for now ,,,,,,,xn728

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Postby Monty » Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:19 pm

Hi Bonnie,

Hope that your Christmas went well (I can see that you wrote your posting before the holiday).

I have a friend who is a Special Needs Teaching Assistant in one of our local high school. She just loves it. She is assigned to a student at the start of the year and then works with the same person, throughout.

Maybe that might be the route to go.

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