supporting my partner while i am away on an internship

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supporting my partner while i am away on an internship

Postby puglover17 » Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:07 am

I have been with my partner for 6 years now and he has dealt with depression and anxiety his entire life. He goes through times that are really bad and is currently in the worst one I have experienced with him. I am currently away on at my dream internship, but this also means he is at home and 5,000 miles away from me. We have gotten to the point where we both agreed that he needs to seek more help and we have now decided that he will contact me when he is ready. For the past couple of weeks, our conversations have been short and always end in me crying and him getting upset so it seemed like this was a better option. I'm just having a really hard time dealing with all of this and trying to focus on this internship that I worked so hard to get.

Things have also been difficult because he has a really hard time finishing things. He has been "in flux" as far as work/education goes for almost the entirety of our relationship and as soon as he almost finishes something, he gives up every single time. I am a highly motivated individual that has a tendency to overload on responsibilities. We are very different people but when we are together and he is in a good space, we have an amazing connection and never get sick of each other. I just feel like when I left to go on my internship has opened up the floodgates a bit and has given him a chance to realize a lot of things that he had been leaning on me for while I was around. I just want to equally give him the support he needs but also stay healthy myself and be able to put my all into this internship. Things are just tough right now.

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Postby 4EverMe » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:25 am

Hello puglover17,
You seem to be very supportive and loving towards your husband.
I believe that, in time, things will improve. Is he in counseling? In any meds?

My advice to you would be to enjoy your current excursion. You've said that your internship is something you worked very hard for. Allow yourself the permission to thoroughly enjoy it. This means releasing your mind of any burden threatening to weigh it down. Enjoy your accomplishments and relish any R&R possible! :-) You deserve it because you've earned it...
During the times you speak to your husband, then it's natural some stress will result, due to what he's going through. Comfort him. Pray for him, and then leave it in God's hands...

When you're not conversing with him about these things, enjoy your time away. It is nothing to feel guilty about.
By the way, congratulations on your success!

I'm also happy for the two of you, that you both love eachother and get along well.

Best wishes to you. :-)

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