Father does not believe in depression....

Depression/anxiety may have touched your family, your friends, yourself; what helps you to deal with it? Sharing is caring!

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Father does not believe in depression....

Postby md1224 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:59 am

I am 21 and have been dealing with depression for about 2 years. When I started college I started feeling depressed so I went to a therapist on campus in which I was diagnosed with depression. Upon hearing this I told my family and my dad told me that I am making it up......he does not believe in depression. It's just something crazy people make up.

For the past year I have been receiving support from my boyfriend and his family which is nice, but I wish my own family would be there for me. I have had countless discussions with them but the result is always the same.

I just don't know what to do anymore.

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