Scared sister

Depression/anxiety may have touched your family, your friends, yourself; what helps you to deal with it? Sharing is caring!

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Scared sister

Postby Scaredsister » Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:25 pm to all this but have gotten to the point where anything is worth a try!!!Am desperately worried about my younger sister who has been diagnosed with depression for last 2years but doesn't seem to be getting any better despite being on meds and receiving CBT. I work with teenagers with mental health issues so makes me more frustrated that I can't help her and make life better for her. I am in no means portraying myself as woe is me but I am so angry that my beautiful sister has to deal with this awful condition that seems to have come from nowhere, and hearing her beg us a a family to 'let her' end her life is heartbreaking. Would love some advice from other family members/people who are dealing with the condition on what I can do to make things as easy for her as possible and to support her in anyway I can. Thanks X

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Postby Destination » Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:44 am

Well I don't know if this will help, but my daughter suffers from depressive bouts off and on. She used to be suicidal a year ago. We moved from the area we lived in to Washington and she started getting better almost immediately. Then for about three months she was really depressed all the time even though her situation was loads better. I read a book about empaths and thats when I discovered part of her problem. I gave her Yarrow and she's been waaaaaay better ever since. In fact she laughs a lot now and smiles and is much happier :)

Here is the book that I read, maybe it will help you and your sister like it helped me and my daughter.

The Sensitive Person's Survival Guide: An Alternative Health Answer to Emotional Sensitivity & Depression

the author is Kyra Mesich

I hope this helps anyone who might be an empath like my daughter.

(( huggles if you want them ))

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