Depressed Good Friend

Depression/anxiety may have touched your family, your friends, yourself; what helps you to deal with it? Sharing is caring!

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Depressed Good Friend

Postby LunaGirl48 » Wed May 30, 2012 6:14 pm

This is my first forum like post so im hoping it makes sense.

In grade 6 i moved towns and had to make new friends. I met this wonderful person who quickly became one of my really good friends. She was extremely nice up until grade 8 when she started changing. Her eye make up started to get darker, she was always tired, she started making mean comments about people, and she started to ignore me and her other friends.
She is in Grade 9 now and it is so bad I almost cant go near her because it feels like i will get dragged into her misery. Her hair is dark, she always has dark eye makeup, she insults anyone who walks by (behind their back), She acts like she hates everyone, she will get extremely mad for no reason, Shes always tired, she always seems to have a headache, she feels she is worthless, and she almost completely ignores me and my friends unless were talking about the one thing she likes: the band Marianas Trench. And recently i believe she has started to harm herself.

Is there anything I can do, as a friend, to help her? Should I get her to talk to someone? Should i talk to someone? Is there anything that would make her happier?

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Postby hollyann » Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:51 pm

Hi Lunagirl, its probably a good idea to talk to someone about your concerns for her. She may not like that you have at least for a while. But sometimes being a good friend means doing something that's good for them even if they don't know it. It would be better to have her around and okay then not. You can also try to encourage her to talk to someone, and try not to let her push you away


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