New and Struggling

Introductions and welcomes.

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Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:40 am

New and Struggling

Postby s@ncholy » Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:29 pm

Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and I'm not really sure where to start or what I'm hoping to gain. I guess maybe just to see if other people understand or have tips or suggestions.

I have had pretty severe anxiety all of my life starting at a very young age. About 2 years ago I began taking Sertraline which helped my anxiety immensely. I also have had several boughts of what I think is depression. This most recent episode has been going on for 3 months. I don't have any desire to do anything. It takes all my energy to go to work Monday through Friday and then on the weekends I want to be alone. I'm not excited about anything or looking forward to anything. I feel very numb and like everything is mundane. I have had times like this in the past but have always been able to dig myself but I am really struggling this time. What's more frustrating is I have no idea what brought this on, there hasn't been any significant change in my life and I have no idea what would make me feel better or what I want to do. It's like a pre mid-life crisis feeling where I don't know what my purpose is, what I'm doing, why I'm here, where I'm going. It's very confusing and I feel sad all of the time. Has anyone else experienced something like this and if so what helped you through it?

Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2024 4:09 am

Re: New and Struggling

Postby Quietone » Fri Jan 26, 2024 4:15 am

I feel like this too, I’m sorry I don’t have great advice as I’m currently very much struggling. I do know I feel much worse on days we’re I don’t leave the house and walk anywhere.
I have been too scared to ask dr for something for my anxiety, but it is good to hear that you have had a helpful experience with that.

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