Hi, I'm new.

Introductions and welcomes.

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Hi, I'm new.

Postby mici.resturi » Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:45 am

Good morning, everyone.

I can't sleep, so I figured I'd hop on here and introduce myself. Forgive me, I tend to be absolutely awful at this.

I am, physically, one person. But, internally, I am multi-layered and complex. Aren't we all, though? Isn't that part of the human experience as a whole, being a combination of lessons - good and bad - and joys, sorrows, pet peeves, things that make us happy... There's so much to a person that really cannot be effectively summed up in a tiny box with a few keystrokes. That being said... Here are a few things about me:

    My username means "tiny scraps" in Romanian.
    Momma and Grandma.
    ADHD and C-PTSD (as well as POSSIBLE ASD, but not formally dx yet) are just a part of the lens that filters how I interact with the world around me.
    Fledgling musician.
    Published author.
    Fledgling photographer.
    Perpetual learner.
    Curious soul.
    Coffee addict.
    Pen and journal hoarder.
    Still mourning the The Library of Alexandria.

Posts: 75
Joined: Wed May 05, 2021 3:54 am

Re: Hi, I'm new.

Postby Tealeaves » Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:23 pm

Hello and welcome!
I'm Tealeaves,
...you say you like learning, new things? If you're ever bored and have some time check out a post called what if...8
Thank you and thank you for joining

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