dealing with some issues

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dealing with some issues

Postby mc7791 » Sun Oct 06, 2019 2:05 pm

I am 47 year old male and am dealing with depression, anger, and anxiety issues. I think it stems from my Father passing away last year.The one good focus in my life is working out. Many times working out on my home gym is the highlight of my day. But I also have become more cynical and rather mean at times. I also feel down and worry about a lot of things. I am trying to get a better job as I dont like my current one and that has not gone well so far. I also have been trying to study towards an IT certification but dont always feel like studying and want to achieve my cert before the test changes in February. I have negative thoughts in my head at times and dont laugh like I used to. I may be going through some kind of grief as I did not cry or feel really sad when my Father died. I dont really have the time to see a therapist. I want to know if I can still have the life I want.

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Re: dealing with some issues

Postby Spleefy » Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:16 pm

Based on what you described, hopefully you have only situational depression at worst, which is a result of overwhelming or traumatic experiences. This type of depression is short-term and is usually resolved once you come to terms with the loss.

However, whether situational or clinical depression, both can be overcome—as I had situational origins, genetic predispositions and chemical imbalances. So, technically, I was screwed, but managed to pull through.

So I would bet that you will pull through this one.

It might be worth your while to set aside some time to see a therapist and put some focus on self-development. I think people would do well to set aside some time in their lives to work on themselves so they can function optimally. Self-development is just as important as other responsibilities in our lives, such as work, study, eating, sleeping, socializing, etc. Often times, however, people don’t make time for themselves and wonder why they are miserable.

The only reason I pulled through depression is because I made ample time to work on myself. I can't pursue goals or be happy if I neglect aspects of human functioning, such as emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. So, everyday, I put aside some time to work on these things.

Just some food for thought. Your life and your well-being is very important. Personal development will, in turn, put you in stronger position to handle and process grief, life’s general problems, and to pursue your dreams, whatever they may be: educational, financial, career, spiritual, etc.

Who knows, maybe these feelings you are experiencing now will pass on its own. But I certainly wouldn’t be idle about it, as these things can tend to evolve into are more serious depression, which then will be more challenging to overcome.

The time you spend now on yourself will pay dividends your entire life. So do yourself a favor and put your mental and physical health first. It will be well worth it now and over the long run.

All the best.

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Re: dealing with some issues

Postby sananTonyO » Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:33 pm

Great advice. May I add that therapy and counseling might really help you sort things out. You are probably still grieving your father’s loss. Consider looking for someone with experience in thanatology (death and grieving). You might find one in the website of ADEC. Unaddressed grief can sometimes lead to depression, substance abuse, and relationship difficulties.

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Re: dealing with some issues

Postby littlestarsmum » Mon Oct 14, 2019 11:43 pm

I’m so sorry to hear about the difficulties you’re going through, friend. My heart goes out to you. Losing a special person is very hard, and the impact of such a loss is deep. The sorrow can affect in many ways. Each of us deal with loss in our own unique way. I lost my dad three years ago and it still hurts. As the other posters suggested, please take time to talk to a grief counselor. Do you have a support group nearby? Remember that you deserve to feel better and you don’t need to carry your burdens alone. Take good care of yourself. Sending prayers your way!

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Re: dealing with some issues

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:20 am

mc7791 wrote:I am 47 year old male and am dealing with depression, anger, and anxiety issues. I think it stems from my Father passing away last year.The one good focus in my life is working out. Many times working out on my home gym is the highlight of my day. But I also have become more cynical and rather mean at times. I also feel down and worry about a lot of things. I am trying to get a better job as I dont like my current one and that has not gone well so far. I also have been trying to study towards an IT certification but dont always feel like studying and want to achieve my cert before the test changes in February. I have negative thoughts in my head at times and dont laugh like I used to. I may be going through some kind of grief as I did not cry or feel really sad when my Father died. I dont really have the time to see a therapist. I want to know if I can still have the life I want.

You can have the life you want. It starts with you and overcoming your negative mental pressure. Remember that your dad will not come back but that he would want you to be happy and enjoy your life. Let the emotion go and take it from there.

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