
Introductions and welcomes.

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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2019 4:34 pm


Postby Sprky0018 » Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:26 pm

Hi im new here. This is the first time ive really acknowledge d my problems or even spoken to any one. I'm 29 male and i feel lost like im just stood still whilst everyone and everything Carrys with life finding loved ones settleing down ect ect(i guess i may be lonley that i feel im gonna end up alone for ever).i also feel im being left behind and dont know what to do to move on. I try to wake up every day with a smile but as time goes on its getting harder and i dont care if a black hole appeared and swalled me up That coupled with my mum who idialises my little sister to the point where even family-friends notice and ive started to hate my sister but i do love her i mean shes my sister.

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:00 am

Re: Lost

Postby PigRabbit » Fri Jan 04, 2019 5:02 am

I am sorry you are feeling lost. It really could something that short term medication intervention and therapy might drastically improve. It is worth a shot.

Dealing with your feelings and overall lost feeling are not something a pill will magically make all better, but the right medication can make a huge difference and talk therapy can help you voice your feelings in a safe and confidential environment.

When I read you write that you love your sister "because she's my sister " i hear you are not only feeling the harm your parent's favoritism is causing but it is now adding an internal conflict about your feelings towards your sister. You can hate and love someone. Feelings can exist that seem to contradict each other without canceling the other out. You are not bad to feel hate towards your sister, you are not obligated to feel love towards her just because she's your sister.

Personally I see that your hatred is understandable, your parent created an unhealthy dynamic through their blatant favoritism and it is natural for you to feel jealousy or/hatred towards the object that seems to be obstructing their love from you. It isn't her fault they are this way and perhaps your parent dors not realize she is hurting you through her behavior, but it doesn't change you are being hurt. I think being able to talk to a trained therapist can help you voice your feelings and acknowledge and accept them. The right medication can help you get to a place where you can deal with internal things better and make the most out of therapy and live better.

There is nothing wrong with needing therapy or medication. Mental health therapy is just therapy for your brain. If you where in an accident and needed physical therapy to recover the usage of a limb, it would seem ill advised to not get the therapy. Mental health therapy is just therapy to help a brain recover.

Taking medication for mood is no different than taking medication for any other condition. There is no shame in taking antibiotics or in taking insulin or other life saving medications and mood stabilizers are life saving medications too.

I only mention these points because unlike physical therapy or antibiotics, there are some very negative stigmas out there about mental health medications and therapy. It really is just ignorance but none the less they can deter people from getting the medical care they need.

There is nothing wrong with needing help. You deserve to live better.

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2019 4:34 pm

Re: Lost

Postby Sprky0018 » Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:14 am

Thank you for the reply i knew i needed help but just taking that first step i guess thanks once again

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