New from NC

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Location: North Carolina, US

New from NC

Postby peanutbasher » Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:24 pm

Hi. Obviously I'm new to the site. Just throwing out some basics I guess. Anyone up for a chat feel free to message me or reply to this.

I'm a 31yo mom before anything else. I never expected it, but it's amazing and stressful. My daughter is almost 8. I'm also mom to a 3 year pug and an 11 year old cat. I also have a 44yo husband and 25yo stepson in the house. Amazingly I still feel alone, ignored and unappreciated. Men.

Lets see... I'll just list what I'm dealing with.
Bipolar 2
General Anxiety
and other random health concerns

I'm into...
Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Green Day, GWAR, Lady Gaga, Gogol Bordello, Elvis, Chuck Palahniuk, Wizard of Oz, Disney, Musicals, crafts, reading and weird stuff. In no way is this a decent list.

I'm here to meet people I guess. Maybe find someone to talk to when I'm not dealing. I love my family, but I can't talk to anyone. My husband doesn't deal with my depression very well. I had a best friend. I kinda have an almost best friend, but she's difficult.
I don't take any meds right now. I like it better this way. Hopefully me, or someone who loves me, will notice if I need to get back on something.

I'm not good with advice. I figure if I can't deal or do things right then why should I screw up someone else? No one ever listens to it anyways. I tend to sit quietly in conversations or at parties. People freak me out. I have blue hair and dress like a fool I'm sure, so I probably freak people out too in this small town. Oh well!

I love me. But I also hate me.

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Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:43 pm

Postby nenkohai2 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:24 am

Hi peanutbasher - and welcome!

Interesting name! How'd you come up with it? Sounds like a complicated home life, but despite it all you sound good.

Ya know the thing about men is that they like to fix things. Maybe your husband is at a loss when it comes to trying to help you. Just a random thought.

Again, welcome!

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Postby 100footpole » Fri Apr 01, 2016 1:22 pm

I love this statement:

I have blue hair and dress like a fool I'm sure, so I probably freak people out too in this small town.

In the 80s my wife and I went to Hot Springs Arkansas. we left our son with my parents in and drove down for a small vacation because my parents said the town was historical and interesting. We walked around the downtown and were pretty bored. Then we went down a side street and found a coffee shop (before Starbucks) with a shower curtain for a door. We had two delicious espressos in small ceramic cups with cookies and a lemon twist. The people running the store had weird 80s hippie hair, and weird flowing 80s hippie clothes. Everyone there seemed young, local, and having fun; unlike all the other tourist traps we'd seen.

You may be shocking the parents and the student council, but I'm sure you are building memories for others. Keep talking about Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Green Day, GWAR, Lady Gaga, Gogol Bordello, Elvis (Costello or the King? :)) , Chuck Palahniuk, Wizard of Oz, Disney, Musicals, crafts, reading and weird stuff.

In no way is this a decent list. ... no but it could make a huge difference to someone who doesn't know where to look ...

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Postby defeated » Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:12 pm

Hey peanutbasher,

Welcome to the forum :) Blue hair :D That's awesome and good for you to have the guts to not care what people think :mrgreen: I hope things get better for you soon. Also, have you considered counseling?

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