loosing confidence .. need help

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loosing confidence .. need help

Postby siadamia » Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:24 pm

my exams are near. i want to study . but by watching my room mate studying all the time and laughing at the rest of time.. i loose my confidence.. from the first year she secures good marks than me just by reading all the things just before a month of exam.. she studied at night.. in the day time... make notes.. she has the abilty to do what she wants to do.. her father has expire last year only .. and this make her study more.. at the same time she is my biggest enemy.. we dont talk to each other.. she makes noises when she dont want to study and the rest of time when she wants she do that without a break .. continuously for 6 to 7 hrs..
i dont know why this all is affecting me.. but this is the truth.. by watching her studying all the time.. i am unable to concentrate on my studies.. even when she goes out to study i just get deprss by the thought that now she is also studying.. she is better than me.. i will not get good marks than her in finals..
i am also very hard working.. do well in my studies.. but because of her i cant even able to sit for study.. after watching that all i just go to my bed and then sleep.. due to stress i eat more.. and then situaton goes more worse..
at this point i also not get my room change... so please can someone help how to deal with it.. or i am gonna fail in my exams.. :(

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Postby Frame » Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:37 pm

Yesterday is nothing but a memory.
Tomorrow is but a fantasy.

What we have is now. And right now your competing with your room mate. Your stacking the deck against yourself. It's not a fair fight.

I have a couple suggestions.

First: I believe you need to be fair to yourself. One way to do that is to compete only against yourself. Never mind what others are doing. Begin now by setting reasonable attainable goals for yourself in your study. Meet your goals and then compete against your own success to improve your performance. There may be days you loose. It happens. Try not to sting yourself twice; forgive and try again.

Second: Your bed room is best used to relax. I suggest you fine a place (a few places) to hide when you study. This always worked better for me. Take a little time to find comfortable (but not too comfortable) places where you can be alone and concentrate. If one is taken, don't get rattled; just move on to the next. Set your goals. Challenge yourself. Measure your performance against your own performance. Strive to improve; now. Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow.

When you get back to your room, make your own noises. Try not to stress about the work. Don't get into competitions about who is the best studier (not unless you know you can win). Relax and organize for your next competition (against yourself).

Good Luck.

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