My name is Destiny...I'm new.

Introductions and welcomes.

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Joined: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:36 pm

My name is Destiny...I'm new.

Postby Destiny2324 » Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:51 am

Hello! My name is Destiny and well I'm not really good at this but I guess I'll start by saying I'm 14 and I've been battling my depression for 3 years now. I get picked on a lot for my weight. I'm really skinny and I always get criticized about it. Even from family members which hurts worse. My grandma is always telling me no guy is going to want me as long as I'm so small. It drives me crazy.
I'm also socially awkward and shy but I guess that's my problem. I don't know what is wrong with me it seems like the older I get the more uncomfortable I am around people. I also have a lot to deal with at home with my dad being a drunk and all. My mom listens but she doesn't understand. No one does. I decided to join this site in the hopes that maybe I could find someone who I can talk to that could maybe understand me.
To help keep me sane I write. I write poetry and stories. I also play the flute and I read a lot. I may be shy but I'm really nice once you get to know me and I'm a good listener so even though I have my own problems I enjoy helping others the best I can. :)

Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:00 pm

Postby Cosmo » Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:04 pm

Hi Destiny :)
You sound like a sweet person.
Its stupid how much people tease and pick on others for their weight, as well as a lot of other things for that matter. People come in all sizes, its not any reason you should feel bad.
That's really great that you write and play flute. I love music.
I came to this site a while back and it was nice being able to chat. Doesn't seem like very many people are around to be welcoming lately but hopefully its nothing personal, everyone has their own issues to deal with.
So anyway, just thought I'd give you a welcome.
Take care.

Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:13 pm

Postby DianaBananas » Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:30 pm

Hi Destiny!!!! I just joined the site today and havent yet had a chance to write my story, but I wanted to say "welcome" to you! I've been reading some posts and I think I have finally found a place where I might actually beat my depression. Everyone, here, seems so caring and loving and I think it's really going to help me to talk. My are not "skinny", you're willowy and I'm sure people are just #1: jealous of your natural thinness or #2: afraid you might have an eating disorder. Either way, it's other peoples problem, not yours! You play the flute!!!! I think that's wonderful. I have always wanted to play the flute, but chose piano, instead. I'm looking forward to being friends///and cheering you on to greatness!!! Sending love!!! :D


Re: My name is Destiny...I'm new.

Postby St8arrow » Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:44 pm

Destiny2324 wrote:Hello! My name is Destiny and well I'm not really good at this but I guess I'll start by saying I'm 14 and I've been battling my depression for 3 years now. I get picked on a lot for my weight. I'm really skinny and I always get criticized about it. Even from family members which hurts worse. My grandma is always telling me no guy is going to want me as long as I'm so small. It drives me crazy.

From St8arrow

First of all, I am 74 years old and happily married so let's get that out of the way immediately. When your Grandma says that you are too small, it sounds like she might be referring to your breast size and hoping that such thoughts might motivate you to eat more and become more healthy.

The healthy part is empathic of your Grandma but the "small" part might negate any empathy that might be in her message. If I am guessing correctly, this story might help. In my many years of life I have seen many men fascinated by the size of a woman's breasts only to discover, far too late in many cases, that the size of the woman's brain is inversely miniature to the size of her breasts.

Us men have the same kind of concerns with the size of our genital equipment. I probably wasted 10% or more of my time worrying about such things.

Perhaps your "skinniness" is from an over active lifestyle which was certainly the case with me. I am in rather good shape now for an old codger of 74.

Unfortunately, I am at a library and the computers will be shut down in less than 10 minutes as the library is closing. Hopefully, I will be able to continue with a second submission to you tomorrow. Cheers for now and good luck and good skill with your flute and your other excellent interests.

From Destiny2324

--- I also play the flute and I read a lot. I may be shy but I'm really nice once you get to know me and I'm a good listener so even though I have my own problems I enjoy helping others the best I can. :)

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