A Clairvoyant with Depression/Panic Disorder

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Postby 4EverMe » Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:31 am

For all of you looking for more details of my older thread, here it is!

Of course, I will discuss, and answer questions, etc.

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Postby saragupta » Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:51 am

Hi 4everme,
I read all ur posts in all the 3 pages.
4everme, we both have been sharing our thoughts since quiet long. So, First of all, i am really very sorry for missing out this thread. U have been facing all these problems but i never read this. Sorry again.
My Mumma has experienced such things when i was a kid. We used to live at first floor. And we had a wide balcony which was almost like a roof. My dad wasn't at home...he was out of station. So there were only me and my mom. Once she saw a round shaped light coming from the stairs (from ground floor), she reluctantly followed it. There was no window, no door, ceiling had no opening of any sort. That round light came to our hall, then towards the kitchen, then it passed through the door that open into the balcony. My mom was sure that there was no materialistic source of that light, but still, when it entered the balcony, she stared up in the sky to check. But there was nothing.

Her dreams have often come to reality.
4everme, my mumma is also very religious and a domestic person just like u.

But what u mentioned about "Fork in the bowl" and "Bruised arm" scenarios...i am literally stunned by just reading....i can't even imagine how did u cope with such things personally. That too when u live alone in ur house.
4everme, i wish i had something significant to advise u. But i am speechless. Really.
I am a Hindu, we have Pandits in our temples. I have seen them helping people in such conditions. Have u tried talking about all these things with a priest / father in church?

One more thing, i think u should place a symbol of Jesus Christ or a holy cross in every room of ur house (i am sorry, i don't know anything regarding Christian religion).
If there are evil spirits or negative energies, they will surely get the firm message. But i think there are positive energies also. I think so because of the incident of "3 knocks to save u from broken glass".

I have said it many times, 4everme u r really very strong.
I know its hard, no doubt, but Try to maintain ur strength.

And yea! Don't forget to read my PM.


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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:07 pm

Thank you, Sara,
Things have improved as far as intensity, but I've become used to what would cause most people to flee their homes. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Good, because it's not driving me insane. Bad, because can't run. There are spirits and various energies everywhere.
The most confusing ones are the ones that act both friendly, and then cruel...

Sara, you mentioned the ball of light your Mom saw. These are called "orbs," and are said to be spirits.
How did this light make her feel? Peaceful? Uneasy?

I'll answer your PM soon. Thanks. :-)
I would have replied sooner, but have been so busy with appts.!

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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:34 pm

P.S. I have probably mentioned that my Mom went through a lot of paranormal experiences around 4-5 years ago. The worst of it began for both of us, and at occurred at the same time. We shared many of the same experiences, over the phone. Just one of them were that we would each hear scratching noises
on our pillows at night, or rather, under our pillows. My Mom was pushed against her dryer once, during this time! While I saw lights and shadows, she continued to see a white orb in her bedroom most nights.
There's much, much more I've yet to write. First, I need to reread my own thread to see if I've already brought them up!

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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:57 pm

And yes, I do have a cross hanging in my house. While I believe that religious relics are good, including holy water/oil, I believe that it's our faith in Christ, our rebuking of evil, (in Christ's name) and our prayers for protection. Intercessory prayer is also great.
I sometimes wear a cross, but through experience, I've learned that just the wearing of a crucifix is not enough. The Bible talks about wearing the holy armor. Hmm. Maybe I'll check that out...
However, I can't share what is written, because of site rules, so I'll just PM you regarding that if you want.

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I just want to add some opinion

Postby satisfy » Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:10 pm

4everMe, I used to hearing voice and was hopistalize twice. They diagnosis me with "Schizoaffective disorder" It is Schizophrenia and bipolar together. I have this symptom for several years now. I am on medication every day. I feel depress every day and plust nightmare at night. Sorry, if I missed read all what you expressed in the forum but hope you get the right help.

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Postby Ieris » Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:11 pm

Hi 4everme,

It is nice to hear other people's experiences and to start filling in the blanks of something that we do not fully understand. It is good that you aren't petrified of them and in some way coping to exist together. What do they talk about? Do they ask you to do things for them?

When I moved into my new house I experienced a few odd things, I'd hear heavy breathing in my room, I turned on my bedside lamp and hold my breath but I'd still hear it. One time i listened for an hour and I tried to locate where it was coming from and it was near the end of my bed as if something was laying on the ground grasping for air. Another thing was I'd see eyes looking right at me whenever I closed my eyes, not ones that I'm familiar with either. So during that time I was scared to go to sleep and even if I did nod off I'd have nightmares. Anyway one time when I went on holiday mum brought someone to my room to do something and when I got back I never heard anything or saw the eyes ever again. Thing is she never told me someone came around, I noticed they disappeared then I asked her if she did anything, so that was interesting.

I once went to Malaysia with a friend and we went to pick up one of his friends. We simply waited by the door while his friend was packing her bag then we heard this stamping coming from upstairs and a load of hangers falling down. The girl yelled,"stop making a racket! You naughty things better clean that up!". I thought she had kids so asked my friend about it and he said, "not the kind that you think" then rushed me into the car and said he'll tell me later because he knew i'd be scared. Turns out that people there "buy" these ghosts/spirits as foetuses in a jar as they are suppose to bring luck. They apparently grow and you feed them ginger, but if you abandon them or treat them bad they will haunt you and make your life so bad that you may wound up dead. Scary stuff but its interesting to hear how different cultures deal with them.

There was recently an article in the news about a black woman's kids being possessed when she moved into a new house full of evil spirits, I'm not sure if that's true but it was interesting to read, should definitely look it up. A film called The conjuring is meant to be based on a true story about a family moving into a new house as well, one I'm currently too scared to watch but will definitely watch it one day....

I think ghost stories and horror movies that we watch while growing up make it all seem quite frightening but I'm not entirely sure if that is true. If they are like Casper the ghost I'd be interested to find out more but if not I never want to see one! It is something quite special to experience but it seems to have a negative effect on you. Earlier on in this thread someone asked if you'd miss them if they were gone, if you don't then perhaps you can look into how to set them free? x

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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:47 am

Hi leris,
Thank you for such an interesting account of your own personal experiences.
That cultural practice in Malaysia? WOW. Just utterly crazy! Alol...

Like you, I've also heard breathing throughout the years. It used to be worse, in the sense that I was inappropriately touched. It was like a feeling of strong magnetic energy. Actually, it's hard to describe...

There have been many times when I've felt someone's face right next to mine, and the energy it conveyed was pure intensity- Very uncomfortable!!

As it involves hearing them, the last few days have been relatively quite. A couple of times I've heard the words, "You stupid woman," and "You stupid b****." I've come to the point of 'no fear!' Eventually, when you feel backed into a dark corner, your prayers will likewise multiply. Through this I find relief and protection. No, these spirits never try to coerce me into doing anything. Also, they are not all negative. As I've written in this thread, (I believe) I've been witness to divine protection on my behalf.

Nowadays, when I experience the paranormal, it is mostly negative mantra I hear- the "stupid woman" insult. I also feel a strong presence somewhat often...standing beside me, or looming over my shoulder. I forgot to mention that when I'm insulted, it sounds like a 'power of suggestion' type of thing. The insult will be repeated consistently. I also believe that it knows of my abilities. Ignorantly, I've responded by hurling sarcastic words or mocking laughter at it. I then rebuke it in Christ's name and anoint my home. This provides me some time of peace...

I've heard it both audibly and within my mind. Strange noises will occur that cannot be explained rationally. Just the other day, I heard laughter right next to me while watching TV.

Speaking of TV? I've seen the show Long Island Medium. It truly weirds me out to know I have the same 'ability' where I can communicate with spirits. However, I try to resist this. I'm marked already, in a sense. A famous Clairvoyant named Lorraine Warren once said, "Spirits are drawn to psychics, like moths are drawn to a flame." To be honest with you, I felt a small sense of relief to learn this. It offered me some explanation as to what I've endured...Most people would be nuts after living through half of what I've dealt with!! I just thank God that I'm protected...

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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:13 am

Hi satisfy,
I probably should have mentioned above, in my post to leris, that the issues I experience aren't of
a schizophrenic nature.
Actually, when things were at their very worst, I was hoping it was a mental condition. If so, I knew that meds could put an end to it.
But, I couldn't ignore the fact that I often experienced additional phenomena that coincided with the voices. Some examples, that some who were close to me also experienced, were the bed getting kicked by some unseen force, things moving on occasion, feeling strange presences/touches, strange lights and ectoplasm running down my mirror. (the streaks remained visible for days, until cleaned) There were a host of other paranormal phenomena going on. I'll just mention one more...

One evening, my ex husband and I were eating dinner in our living room. When I was through eating, I set my unfinished pasta down. I had been hearing a disembodied voice insulting my, then, husband. He couldn't hear it, however. A few minutes later, my ex and I both witnessed my spoon rise up from the rim of my bowl to then come down with a loud clank!

Physical phenomena has often accompanied the 'voices.' I guess this is why I don't attribute the voices to any mental issue. However, when things of this nature occur, they do take a toll on a person mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually!!!

This is why I also considered it a helpful release of stress to bring up this issue here. I can find some type of relief by both sharing and discussing it.

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Postby Ieris » Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:41 am

Thanks for responding.

I think it's frightening to be touched by them but it is not uncommon, especially being pinched and waking up with bruises on the arms. I think it's eye opening to hear about your experiences. Another thing that I hear often is people waking up unable to move for a short period of time which I was told was caused by ghosts.

I must ask, do you only feel them at home, in certain rooms or do you feel them when you go out as well? I will call them "ghosts" for now just to narrow down the term, is it always the same ones where you can tell who is who and do you know how many of them there are?

I have always wondered if they can follow you if you move to a new home or do they only appear to us if we move into "their" home...? What do you think?
The impression I get is that they have to stay where they died (limited to certain types of deaths like being murdered, suicides etc) the rest I believe go to a different realm/dimension.

A couple I know once went to an abandoned bridge where they were playing with sparklers and setting off some small fireworks on their anniversary. They sat side by side then behind them they heard a female voice saying, "wow they look beautiful". He turned to her asking if she said something, she said no but she heard it too. When they looked around no one was there, they both legged it! A girl died in a car crash on that bridge before and they believe it was her, maybe her soul is trapped there... Who knows?

I will look up that TV show you mentioned. The film "The Conjuring" is actually one of the cases that Lorraine Warren followed along with Ed.

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Postby 4EverMe » Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:39 pm

Hi leris,
It's good to hear back from you!
That was a cool story about the couple on the bridge.

Yes, I believe spirits can follow people. I've heard of true accounts of this before. This is also what has happened to me. Certain ones did follow, and I do recognize the way each one speaks, and the things they say. There is one, every now and then that assures me by saying, "Don't worry. Things will be okay." This is repeated a number of times. I've also heard the words, "Don't worry. You are protected." I've been reminded of how much Christ loves me.
This seems like a battle between good and evil, with myself included in this 'war.'

Mostly, the spirits have messed with me at home, (the negative ones) but I'm occasionally followed
by the same.
How many? It's hard to tell, for the simple fact that a demonic spirit can mimic and alter their voice to sound like someone else. For this reason, I have to be very careful. There is a spirit that will come across with genuinely sweet words. When I smile, I'll hear, " You stupid, stupid, stupid woman, " like I'd been tricked. It's complicated and sometimes frustrating/confusing, but I place my faith in the fact that I'm being guarded.

Hopefully, I answered all of your questions, leris! I'm trying to recall everything you said in that last post. Hmm. I've heard of 'The Conjuring," but can't recall if I've seen it...

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Postby Ieris » Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:36 pm

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate it as I am really curious about this topic but can mainly read about it from books so it is nice to be able to ask you questions directly x

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Postby 4EverMe » Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:54 pm

No problem, leris,
There's so much more to reveal. I just don't always know where to start, so questions help to unravel more.

I attempted to send a pm to you earlier, but it wouldn't go through. It showed: User does not exist.
I tried three times- just so you know.

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Postby Ieris » Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:01 am

Thank you for letting me know, I have had problems sending PM before but I have just sent you one to test if it goes through then maybe you can try replying to me that way x

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Postby 4EverMe » Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:31 am

Yay! I received it, and replied. I'm glad it went through. :-)

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