Heyy, I've got the big sad too

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Heyy, I've got the big sad too

Postby Ampersand » Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:40 pm

Hello there! I am brand new to this site, but I've been struggling with depression for about 5 years. For most of it I have been kinda bottling up my emotions and pretending that I'm happy, but this past summer it all came crashing down and I had plans to kill myself. I ended up not doing it, but I have been having suicidal thoughts since. I just am kinda worthless to be honest, don't fully know why I got on here. I will say it is kinda nice to see I'm not alone with this shit. I don't have a great relationship with my parents and I have a sneaking suspicion my friends don't care about me, so I'm gonna assume that's why I'm here. So? I don't really know how this should work, but I'm super down to chat with anyone, I'm kinda ok at making people feel better because of some experience. Well, don't know if I'll ever come back here tbh. I could be dead tomorrow and it wouldn't surprise me. Cheers!

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Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:31 am

Re: Heyy, I've got the big sad too

Postby ruby32 » Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:36 am

Hello there. I'm brand new to this site too, decided to jump on here because I've been there too...hoping I can help. I struggled with depression for a long time, and I know how consuming it can feel. I know I don't know you personally but I can tell you that you're worth so much to this world around you...and you're on this planet for a reason. There are dozens of people around you who care about you. I lost someone I know to suicide about 6 years ago. I hadn't even interacted with him in about 15 years but I still think about it all the time to this day. That really stays with me...15 years later...I guarantee he never would have imagined that I'd be out there thinking about him after he did what he did...but I do. And you have dozens of people who would say the same thing 15 years or 50 years from now if anything happened to you. You just might not know it. Praying you find peace, friend.

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Re: Heyy, I've got the big sad too

Postby Rachelm2535 » Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:11 pm

I truly hope you are doing better today and are still here. Your life is important and you are worth more then the lies you believe. Please know this. I totally get the self loathing....believe I lived like that for 25 years. It has been 10 years of freedom from the lies and thoughts that plagued me so there is hope! Continue the fight to healing. Praying for you -Rachel

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Re: Heyy, I've got the big sad too

Postby Peteswim » Sat Jan 26, 2019 9:16 am

Hi I'm new here have had depression on and off for 22 years

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Re: Heyy, I've got the big sad too

Postby IvyAnonymous » Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:34 am

Hey, what's up? Haven't found anyone online right now, guess I'm at an odd time for the other time zones. Probably shouldn't be up this late but anxiety and a cat with nasal congestion make it kind of hard to sleep. I've got depression and Anxiety, i'm kind of young for it. I haven't seen another person as young as me on here, guess they're all out playing Fortnite or something. Ivy is not my real name, I just don't feel comfortable telling people who I am. I find that sometimes all it takes is a simple conversation with people who are suffering from the same thing to get your mind off things for a while. So, how are you doing? If there's anything I can do to help block out the darkness for even a moment, let me know. We dorks (not a negative word) with The big sad need to look out for each other.

And don't you dare die on me. k?

Posts: 21
Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:47 am

Re: Heyy, I've got the big sad too

Postby someone. » Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:43 am

hey, i think we all have the "big sad'. I might not know what you're going through but I understand. if u need anyone to talk to, im here for u.

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