How Depression Really Feels. How I Feel.

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How Depression Really Feels. How I Feel.

Postby Tears » Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:57 am

Take an empty room. Put in a bath tub. Put in an open window with just enough sunlight to make it peaceful. Add your favorite, smooth, relaxing color. Light a candle with your favorite scent. Fill the bath tub with water, just warm enough to last about an hour. Add bubbles or soap if you please. Play music, get food, what ever you choose to help set the perfect mood to unwind. Get undressed. Step in the tub. Soak in the warmth.
Then pull the plug. Feel the water sink lower. And lower. And lower. Now you are half exposed to the cold, bitter air. All the water is gone, like my emotions. You are now left to sit in the uncomfortable, glass bowl that surrounds you. In cold. Loneliness. The wind from the open window blows out your candle. You are now surrounded by darkness.
That is me.

Find me for a part two, as I want to keep this appealing with a short length.

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Re: How Depression Really Feels. How I Feel.

Postby LisaS » Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:17 am

When I read your post, oddly, it made me think it might be described in Harry Potter terms also. Maybe it is a bit like having dementors gather, attack, and tear out all that there is to tear out, but they make sure to leave just enough life in me that I have to survive and endure it over and over again. Anyway, it just made me think, and for some crazy reason, I decided to respond.

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