Need to fix myself

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Joined: Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:06 pm

Need to fix myself

Postby Dynamo » Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:45 pm

I'm curious if therapy works. I'm not even sure that therapy is what I need. But my life is horrible. Probably mostly from low self esteem (or just being real). But I'm horribly lonely. I have very few friends that I rarely see. Love or relationships of any kind is only a pipe dream. I am now going in debt because I gamble. I really have nothing to live for. The only reason I don't just end it all is because I couldn't do that to my parents but they are getting older and I won't have that excuse forever. I tried therapy but the therapist basically just told me to go to a class. Well that doesn't work for me for 2 reasons. First that would require me going out of my way to be around people which I have interest doing. One on one I can talk. I don't want to do group functions of any sort.people suck. And even if i could bring myself to go the only hours that the classes were held would be impossible with my work schedule. Work the only good thing I have going. For the moment. Anyways after saying i cant do it, she offered one on one therapy but at this point it seemed she wasn't in it and that I was hoping for therapy to be my answer and it wasn't. Anyways if anyone reads this and can help please respond.

Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:31 pm

Re: Need to fix myself

Postby Wandering2496 » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:14 am

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us! I hope that my post can help.

I am also currently looking for a source of therapy for my depression, which is getting worse each year. I've looked up expensive and cheap consultations. Some of the more affordable and more time-efficient therapists I've found offer to talk about what you'd like to discuss in one-on-one online chats, so that may be more time-efficient for you. Suicide hotlines, I've heard, are willing to chat with you regardless if you're feeling "chancy" or not. I also have trouble connecting with other people, but am feeling a lot less alone in communities like this, who knows what I'm going through and share their experiences like I am. To ease your loneliness, I suggest trying to enjoy your own company. I do so by doing hobbies I enjoy like reading, writing, walking, watching videos, and playing video games. Developing myself and my activities helps me develop a personality I like and accept, which not only raises my self-esteem but also gives myself opportunities to narrow down my options for friends to only those who share my interests.

I hope that my suggestions take you one step closer to achieving your goals! In the end, it's your decision that matters.

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