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Music and YOU

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:30 am
by shmuel
What part does music play in your life? I would dearly love to know.
There`s an amazing selection of poetry and art work in the forums: ... um.php?f=8
That overwhelms me....
But I see no music here
Being a Musician(loose description) musicmaker/teacher... my whole life and days are full of music.
I create. play and teach music... sorry to say I can`t just listen.. I have to be involved.
What about you?
favorite songs,what does music mean to you,how do you use music,do you play an instrument.
I`m not a super eloquent person...but I hope you understand me.
Lets start Jammin`:D

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:23 pm
by CyCoLoner
Music ... yeah, a really important part in my life. Can't stay to many days without music.
I once tried to laern playing the drums, wasn't too bad, but didn't really like this. I prefer listening. Maybe sing the lyrcis, while the music is playing. Maybe dance. Whatever.
My favorite bands are KMFDM ( Industrial Rock ) and a german group called Boehse Onkelz ( Hard Rock ). I absolutely am in the best mood when I can listen to these bands songs.
Other bands I like are the Deathstars or Rammstein. In general, I prefer Industrial and Gothic music, but I also like most variations of metal.

Favorite songs, forgot to mention those. Let me think ...
First, there are two songs by KMFDM: Adios and Tohuvabohu. They sometimes make me literally dance.
Another very important song for me is Nur die besten sterben jung, in english Only the best die young. Heard this song daily, after my comrade took his life. Helped me to deal with this ...

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:13 pm
by Warmsoul/Jeanie13
((((((((((((( shmuel ))))))))))))))))))))

Music can get me through hard and good times. It can wake me or put me to sleep. Sometimes I think music is the best medicine you can find.

Warmie/Jeanie 8)

What music means to me

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:57 pm
by MoMac
I love this topic.t Music was my first love.I used to play the piano and found it great for working out frustrations, cheering me up, helping me learn some control and just for self-esteem and confidance. Sad thing is I always wanted to be better and didn't seem to be getting there so I stopped it. I always go for music to wallow in cheer me up or just to get me moving. I love to dance too. Without music I think I'd suffer terribly.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:06 pm
by Emotional_77
I Love listening to music.. Just sitting there listening to tunes and daydream is one of my favourite things to do. Awesome you can dance MoMac.. I want to so badly.. I can't though because I am so anxious. I can a tiny bit.. and sometimes I try when I'm by myself but I still can't :(. Any advice becuase I think dancing is probably one great stress relief.

((((((Emo)))))) I don't dance very well

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:20 pm
by MoMac
:D I have to be in a good mood and have people dancing around about me to dance. It's really helps me to relax. I usually start by just bending my knees in time until I'm relaxed and then just moving as much as I'm comfortable with. Eventually I just stop caring and enjoy it.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:23 pm
by Emotional_77
((((MoMac))))) Well I will keep trying and maybe one day I will let loose.

Dance me to the end of time

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:28 pm
by shmuel
really interesting to see this thread "move on up" :D to dancing...which in our time is so closely related with music.
Reading your thoughts about what dancing means to you has started me thinking about why I don`t dance anymore... i have never danced with partners apart from a few wonderful months when I first fell in love and the dance I did when I got married. Haahaa...shame we don`t have dances for the divorce :D
I do dance a little bit but only when my guitar/sax is close to me... hmmm...sounds like my reason for not dancing is because I´m afraid,maybe afraid of the attention I have to give and take...dunno..just a fleeting thought.
Here are a few other thoughts I found:
to become one with the music
to express yourself
to relieve stress
to entertain, even inspire others
to stay in shape
to impress
to show the DJ you appreciate him
to feel free
to feel young
to interact with others without words
to interact with the music with our entire bodies
to encourage others to join the fun
to rock this funky joint
to remember,to forget.
to dance for your self,for others, with others

There are so many reasons to dance and also not to dance...whatever its a great way of communicating something about us to others.
Its quite a big subject really...when we strip it down and just talk about it.
So... may I have the next dance :oops:
had to edit this coz I forgot to blush...

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:06 pm
by Emotional_77
Aw shmuel. I would dance with you :)

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:48 pm
by Warmsoul/Jeanie13
((((((((((( shmuel )))))))))))))

Can't dance, can't sign, no musical talents, LOL no talents. Boy leaves little here for me.

Good to see you posting. TY

Warmie/Jeanie13 8)

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:36 pm
by Katietron
I started studying piano recently. I have like the most wonderful teacher ever - I have never met anybody who would laugh so much. She is the coolest old person I have ever met:) Love her and honestly for me half of the beauty of those lessons is hearing how she plays piano and visiting her and so on.

But mostly I just listen whatever comes from radio. :roll:

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:10 am
by shmuel
wow! Katietron... thats great news that you are learning piano.
Please keep us informed about how ya going on.
And if ya need any more tips and tricks about piano learning then gimme a shout... always there for ya :D

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:42 am
by Warmsoul/Jeanie13
((((((((((((((( shmuel )))))))))))))))))))

And how are you doing today? Just a hug your way.

Warmie 8)

Re: Music and YOU

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:59 am
by YBsirius
shmuel wrote:What part does music play in your life? I would dearly love to know.

Life has a soundtrack. I seems I think and react in music. My internal jukebox is how my subconcious talks to me somtimes. I believe when my mind shattered, the internal jukebox was put in place of some pieces that were lost. I wake with a tune in my head, I usually fall asleep with music playing. When I'm talking to people, a tune will just pop up in my head as a reaction to something said. Music is a way of putting some structure to time when time seems meaningless.

I don't think I could do very well without music. I'm a fan of all types of music. When I'm sad, the music I listen to is an expression of how I feel inside, "and the words of every sad song seem to say what I think, and this hurt inside of me, ain't ever gonna end" B&D Neon Moon. When I'm happy, music is a way to express the joy I feel. Music can make me feel almost every emotion, from sad to glad. It's one of my tools in the depression fighting tool kit. "Gimme the beat boys and free my soul, I wanna get lost in your rock and roll, and drift away"

Then there's dancing. Hard to do that without music (but not impossible). I love to dance and it's one of the things that always put a little joy in my life. Music helps me socialize and get outside of myself.

"The music in my heart I bore, long after it was heard no more" Wordsworth

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:17 am
by hey-its-ok
sometimes when i'm sad for prolonged periods of time, i may repeatedly listen to certain songs... but when i recover from my sadness, i find that i'd rather avoid those songs which i listened to when i was sad because my brain tends to link those songs to those sad times, and whenever i listen to those songs, sad memories and emotions tend to flood back, so i find myself avoiding certain songs, certain photos... etc...