Funny things cats do

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Funny things cats do

Postby eloise1974 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:04 pm

For everyone who has cats...tell us something funny your cat(s) did.

My story is about my male cat Jupiter. He loves to chew on rolls of paper...paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls--he'll rip them to shreds. Naturally, I try to keep these items out of his reach. I had some toilet paper rolls under the bathroom sink. I just moved into this apartment and the cupboard doors swing open and shut freely on their hinges, i.e. no hooks or latches. The other day I needed a new roll of toilet paper and I looked under the sink. Jupiter had been inside there and torn all the rolls to shreds. I laughed so hard...he must have pawed the door open and gotten inside. Crazy cat! Now I have to go out and buy more toilet paper!

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Postby MyUnseenStarlight » Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:17 pm

This is an awesome topic !! Thanks for posting. I loved your cat story.

One of my cats wanted outside when it was raining. He first ran to the front door and when I opened it he looked outside at the rain and turned around and ran to the back door wanting out. ha ha ha..... I guess he thought that " it wasn't raining out back ". :P

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Postby no_answer » Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:34 pm

So sorry to hear about the devastation your cat caused. I never get pets for exactly that reason. Besides the financial damage and environmental impact of unnecessary destruction of the trees, the anguish over what the beast did to abuse your hospitality is hard to bear.
But you are not alone. There are many out here who are suffering from the abuse by their pets. Together, we can defeat their selfish rule over our daily lives.

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Postby spice » Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:06 pm

My sisters kitten decided it would be fun to climb the screen door to paint a picture of this kitten at 10, 11 months old he was the size of a small jackrussle so he was big and the weight of this kitten at the top of the screen door forced the door out and down. the look on his face when it came to a stop was not of shock but of "I did do it, it was the doors fault " it was so funny we were laughing for days well except dad cos he had to fix the door.

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Postby Apple2 » Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:24 pm

Monkey my baby kitty will hop on the back of my one dog Skeeter. He will ride him around the house like he has his own personal horse.

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Re: Funny things cats do

Postby Xoxoloveyalots » Sun Mar 11, 2018 12:53 pm

Silkie is my tuxedo baby, she likes to get into places she shouldn't! I went to go feed her, which she usually comes running for but this time she didn't. I searched all over my house and her usual haunts and couldn't seem to find her anywhere. I happened to be walking by my very filled hall closet and heard the tiniest of meows. So I opened it, didn't see her and was about to go about my way when a flash of white at the very top of the closet caught my eye. She had managed to squeeze her body in this tiny spot behind a paint can. I laughed so hard because while she got in, she couldn't seem to figure out how to get out. Best morning in a long time for sure.

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Re: Funny things cats do

Postby CamGirl » Tue May 15, 2018 9:28 pm

That's really funny about your cat. The cats we have here keeps running at the attic and there was a time that they slide and accidentally puts a hole on the ceiling of my daughter's room. :D

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Re: Funny things cats do

Postby Nightspirit174 » Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:51 pm

My cat can open the fridge, she doesn't steal the fish, nor the meat or cheese but instead the broccoli. :mrgreen:

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Re: Funny things cats do

Postby fummymeasle » Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:57 am

Nightspirit174 wrote:My cat can open the fridge, she doesn't steal the fish, nor the meat or cheese but instead the broccoli. :mrgreen:

haha really? that's weird. I never heard of a cat or dog who loves brocolli, not even any child does.

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Re: Funny things cats do

Postby useranonymous » Sun Apr 25, 2021 4:55 pm

My cat used to hide behind that cupboard at the top of the stairs, then pounce on me when I got to the top of the stairs. Made me jump everytime. Haha!

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Re: Funny things cats do

Postby CamGirl » Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:13 am

useranonymous wrote:My cat used to hide behind that cupboard at the top of the stairs, then pounce on me when I got to the top of the stairs. Made me jump everytime. Haha!

LOL Maybe he/she loves your reaction every time and figured it was fun. So adorable!

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Re: Funny things cats do

Postby hundal » Tue Oct 11, 2022 5:32 am

My cat opens fridge and searches for milk.

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