Public Displays of Affection

For example: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia.

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Public Displays of Affection

Postby crystalgaze » Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:15 am

This isn't really a phobia per se.... but it's more of an annoyance. The only real fear I have is someone going overboard with me (crossing the line), me being surprised about it, & somebody's woman coming after me because I was "troubling her man"....

I only have a problem with it when it comes to me. Here's what I mean...

When it comes to public displays of affection, I tend not to go any thing beyond a hug and/or kiss on the cheek. (& the kiss on the cheek might still be too much!) Even then, there are times when even that little doesn't feel right...

In a girlfriend/boyfriend situation, I ESPECIALLY do not care for kissing on the lips in public or for visible marks on my skin of any kind that would be evidence of sexual contact occurring. :lol: I absolutely can't stand hickies on my neck or bite marks on my ears. Of course, my boyfriends--past and present--were like, "Hhrrnggh?? What?"

I'm not entirely opposed; it's just: Be soft, be sweet, but be discreet (Frank Sinatra lyrics I believe) Why can't those things be placed where I can cover it up easily? I really would rather that the whole world not know. It would feel like someone is wh*ring me out or something....

& here are my reasons for how I feel:

#1 I don't have no ring on my finger that says I'm engaged or I'm married or any thing. (double negative intended)

I'll have to echo Ms. Beyonce & say "put a ring on it". This is also why I don't care for playing house, especially when the guy is coming to live with me. (Get up off your own ass & get your own place. & I feel like that because in the end, they walk away, just like that. Of course, this is not all men!)

Me doing all of that in public just seems like I'm disrespectin' myself in a way I don't need to be doing. It's one thing if it's a piece of sex; I am not against a piece of sex. It's what it is. However, it's another thing when society dubs you, you know those words.... cheap, prostitute (nice version of wh***, loose, etc.)

& I mean, like you know, I've a reputation to uphold or whatever of it is left....

#2 I don't need people up in mah business.... & people here have a penchant for being so dam* nosy!!! Oh my word! (I do not believe that is unique to where I live, though....)

I gotta protect myself! (Next thing I know, I'm going to find out that the guy has a woman & that stupid mf-er b**** will attempt to kill me because "I am messing with her man".... )

Pardon my colorful description, but I have seen it play out just like that!

One of my pet peeves with women is that I've seen them not really hold the man accountable for him going out & cheating or whatever... but as for the woman, good heavens to betsy, the woman that happens to be involved in that mess gets most of the fallout....

Why are women so evil to one another?! :lol:
(Most of the time it takes 2, unless the man is an unwilling party?!) :?

Edit: If I were gay, I believe I would still feel the same way... I am not one for that heavy petting in public, grabbing ass, hand on the ass, or whatever. (You can put your hand on my waist if you wish. Thank you very much! That is more than enough, especially if I'm not married to the guy or something--something that properly shows he has invested in me & is not just there for the cookie....)

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Postby aim » Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:31 pm

Don't be too hard on yourself... many people don't like PDA's. It's all a matter of taste, really.

You're such a pleasure, Gaze. So glad you come here.

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