Welcome to the Depression Chat Rooms
This website hosts two main chat rooms: the "Main Room" and the "Lounge" (as well as a "Trivia Games Room").
Main Room Description and Intended Use
This chat room is open twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. The intention of this room is to primarily provide a relaxed, supportive atmosphere in which to talk to others about depression, anxiety and other related health concerns.
Please note this room is in no way intended as a replacement to any form of professional treatment. If you are in need of immediate assistance please call your local emergency call out services, or search our Information Centre for emergency contact numbers in your area.
Whilst this chat room has a laid back atmosphere, we ask that all visitors read our Guide as to what is generally acceptable in this room – the main consideration being to show respect, consideration and understanding to others at all times.
Lounge Description and Intended Use
Likewise, this chat room is also open twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. This room differs from the "Main Room" as its purpose is to include more off topic conversation that isn't principally based around depression, anxiety and other related health concerns.
We ask that all visitors read the following etiquette guide as to what is generally acceptable in both these chat rooms; and to read the welcome message that will appear in each room detailing any current important information.
To learn more about the "Trivia Games Room" please click on the Community link a the top of this page.
Chat Room Etiquette
We do not wish to impose a multitude of rules and conditions as to what is acceptable in our chat rooms. We believe to do so would hamper communication and expression, often at times when it is crucial to convey feelings clearly and precisely. In order for us to maintain this stance we ask that you are conscious of others feelings at all times, and show appropriate respect. To summarise, we ask you to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
In order to avoid any confusion as to what is acceptable in our rooms we have compiled the following simple chat room etiquette guide.
Chat Room Etiquette:
* To show consideration, understanding and respect to others at all times.
* To comply with all instructions and/or suggestions by the host team. A host – or room moderator (Op) – can be identified by an "@" symbol next to their nickname. Any decision by a host is not to be challenged or argued with.
* As a member of these rooms it is expected that you will use a single nickname whenever you sign in. Choosing a single nickname helps to promote trust with fellow chatters and hosts.
* The chat rooms are intended to help support those with depression and other related health issues. The glorification of suicidal thoughts or tendencies, and/or the glorification of self injury (either by written text or the entry of links to other websites) will not be tolerated, and will result in your being removed from these rooms. We also insist that you do not go into extreme graphic detail regarding self harm or suicidal practices.
* You are welcome to stay logged into these rooms twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. We ask that when you are away from a chat room that you mark yourself as absent by using the "/nick" command. By marking yourself away in this manner clearly shows anyone new joining a channel that you are not ignoring them if they should try and strike up a conversation with you.
* We do not tolerate the repeated use of strong profanities, or conversation of a sexually explicit nature. Such content can often be disturbing to others and you will be immediately asked to change your behaviour.
* Common courtesy dictates that you ask someone publicly before sending a private message (PM) to a person you do not know. Additionally, it is important that the main chat rooms aren't neglected due to members being focused on their respective PMs. Please consider how you might feel if you entered a support chat room only to be ignored. If you are likely to be in a PM of some duration, please alter your nickname in an appropriate manner. Please enter PMs cautiously – people can claim to be anyone they wish on the Internet and can copy your conversations to use against you at any time. Depression Understood cannot be held liable to what occurs in private conversations: we cannot read them, so what transpires in private is entirely your responsibility.
* The chat rooms are not be used as dating rooms. The use of such terms as "a/s/l" are discouraged and are frowned upon. There are thousands of dating rooms on the Internet, please use one of them if you are looking for this sort of chat.
* This website has no religious undertones, or any bias to one particular religion. We insist that you are mindful and show consideration of others religious – or non religious – beliefs. “Preaching” to others about your own personal religious beliefs is not allowed. Members of the chat rooms must show mutual respect, tolerance and understanding.
* Whilst alcohol and drug misuse can be a common trait of those with depression, anxiety and other related health concerns, we do not allow themed conversations wholly centred on substance abuse. It is perfectly acceptable to mention the use of alcohol or drugs, but such conversations should not take over the chat rooms, nor should they deteriorate dialogue to a point where it is no longer relevant to peer support. Again, respect is the key, if any single member feels uncomfortable, the topic must be immediately changed.
* Advertising, or the promotion of any other similar chat rooms or forums is prohibited. Any such activity will result in an immediate ban. Moreover, we do not accept our members suggesting inappropriate or pro-suicide chat rooms/IRC channels.
* These chat rooms are not to be linked to any external resource without prior written consent from us.
* The minimum age to enter these chat rooms is sixteen. By entering the chat rooms you are validating and identifying yourself to us (Depression Understood), as being sixteen years of age or over.
* The chat rooms are intended for depression/anxiety peer support. We prohibit the chat rooms being used for any other purpose as listed above, and also including:
** - The collection of information for studies or research. No chat room logs or recordings of any nature are allowed to be reproduced in any manner: in print, elsewhere on the Internet or any other form of publication; or to be included covertly in any statistical study.
** - The chat rooms are not be used for professional counselling or online therapy meetings. Furthermore, we insist that no one claims to be a practicing mental health professional, or that they hold any related health qualifications. It is necessary for us to adopt this standpoint as we cannot verify the validity of such claims. False claims of expertise and subsequent advice (especially regarding medications), could be extremely damaging to our members.
If you encounter any problems, or a situation in which you feel uncomfortable when a host is not available please Contact Us.
For further information please click on the "Main Chat Rooms" link at the top of this page.
To enter any of the chat rooms simply Click Here.
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